Thursday, October 31, 2019

In class, the stories we learned about talk about sex and violence and Essay

In class, the stories we learned about talk about sex and violence and some sound a lot like Pagan myths. How, a friend asks, can anyone ever believe in the Bible after taking a course like that - Essay Example Imagine how earnest God’s patience was in those times when men were called for a change of heart yet they rather chose to adhere to old wicked ways still. My friend, God is fully aware of every intention, passing thought, and act committed by men heretofore including paganism which was widespread in ancient times, as well as killings, theft, plunder, orgies, and other immoral deeds which were not given detailed account in the Bible. If you read the entire content of the Old Testament text, you would come across events when God spoke directly to religious leaders whom He handpicked himself and human laws rested on unstable grounds so He needed to establish His covenant with the tribes people on a gradual basis through the strengths and gifts of vision bestowed upon their representatives such as in the case of Abraham and Moses. It even came to a point when incest was permitted as at Lot’s time when Lot’s daughters made love with their father for the sake of fulfilling God’s design of expanding humanity in number. God did not immediately destroy the overly sinful cities Sodom and Gomorrah, holding thoughtful consideration if there ever were at least five righteous people in the place, despite the case of widespread homosexuality and prostitution. Sins of men were so great at the time so on further Bible reading, we would typically encounter God’s wrath being mentioned several times and certain accounts where God sent His angels over a particular region that ought to be blotted out due to deliberate transgressions. There is no valid reason thus my friend to lose hope and conviction about God’s word for your faith should reveal that it would still hold true in the generations to come. Our in-depth study in class of the nature of sins occurring in the Old Testament age does not have anything to do with the values

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Types of Research Essay Example for Free

Types of Research Essay Topic 1- Basic and Applied Research can be classified by purpose or by method. If we categorize it by purpose, it would fall into two major categories: Basic Research and Applied Research, while in case of method, it would be deductive research and inductive research. Basic Research Also called Pure or fundamental Research, it is undertaken for increase in knowledge. There is no direct benefit as it is a research for the sake of research. It is conducted to satisfy any curiosity such as: (a) what makes things happen, (b) why society changes and (c) why social relations are in a certain way. In fact, it is the source of most new theories, principles and ideas. Basic research rarely helps anyone directly. It only stimulates new ways of thinking. The main motivation is to expand mans knowledge. There is absolutely no commercial value to the discoveries resulting from such research. However, in the long run, it forms the basis of applied research or development commercial products. If basic work is done first, then applied spin-offs often eventually result from this research. As Dr. George Smoot of says, People cannot foresee the future well enough to predict whats going to develop from basic research. If we only did applied research, we would still be making better spears. To sum up, basic research is purely theoretical to increase our understanding of certain phenomena or behavior but does not seek to solve any existing problem. Applied research It is use of basic research or past theories, knowledge and methods for solving an existing problem. It deals with practical problems. It is opposed to pure research which is not problem-oriented but for the increase in knowledge which may or may not be used in future. In the present world situation, more emphasis is being given to applied research to solve problems arising out of overpopulation and scarcity of natural resources. Applied research should not be treated the same as Research Development (RD) which is involved in developing products demanded by the existing clients. Applied Research, on the other hand, focuses on uncovering what needs are not being met and use that information in designing products or services that would create their own demand. Thus, applied research brings in new customers and also provides better products and services to the existing customers. In old days, the mobile phone was expensive, bulky and had a short range. Applied Research foresaw that this product would have a limited market and stressed on cost-cutting, reduced weight and long-distance communication. Such measures caused a heavy demand Topic 2- Historical Research Historical research is the process of systematically examining past events to give an account of what has happened in the past. †¢ It is not a mere accumulation of facts and dates or even a description of past events. †¢ It is a flowing, dynamic account of past events which involves an interpretation of these events in an attempt to recapture the nuances, personalities, and ideas that influenced these events. †¢ One of the goals of historical research is to communicate an understanding of past events. Significance of Historical Research The following gives five important reasons for conducting historical research (based on Berg, 1998): 1. To uncover the unknown (i.e., some historical events are not recorded). 2. To answer questions (i.e., there are many questions about our past that we not only want to know but can profit from knowing). 3. To identify the relationship that the past has to the present (i.e., knowing about the past can frequently give a better perspective of current events). 4. To record and evaluate the accomplishments of individuals, agencies, or institutions. 5. To assist in understanding the culture in which we live (e.g., education is a part of our history and our culture). Historical Research Methodology There is no one approach that is used in conducting historical research although there is a general set of steps that are typically followed. These include the following steps although there is some overlap and movement back and forth between the steps: 1. Identification of the research topic and formulation of the research problem or question. 2. Data collection or literature review. 3. Evaluation of materials. 4. Data synthesis. 5. Report preparation or preparation of the narrative exposition.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Machiavelli Has Had A Great Influence Politics Essay

Machiavelli Has Had A Great Influence Politics Essay Princes and governments are far more dangerous than other elements within society. Niccolo Machiavelli. Machiavelli is known as the father of modern political thought. He has had an incredibly large influence on our modern civilization. Firstly Machiavellis opinions on politics and political leaders effected how future political leaders would run their countries. Additionally Machiavelli had a much larger influence on the future of modern western civilization in comparison to the renaissance artists of his time. Also his opinion on how the government is run demonstrated in his book The Prince changed they way in which we view how our government is run. Furthermore Machiavellis innovative writing style made him a noted writer in the history of western civilization. Machiavellis tactics and style of military influence has played its toll in shaping our world today. Machiavellis influence outshines any other reformation leader. Niccolo Machiavelli was born in the year 1469 in midst of a shifting political time in Italy. The fear and invasion from powerful states such France and Spain threatened the Italian government. Alexander Borgia was elected the pope through bribery and threats. Pope Alexander used the churchs wealth to benefit his own family. Some of the parts of Italy became Republic and others like Venice fell to dictators. No monarchy was present and no centralized government existed. Each city was like its own separate nation. Italy was struggling to unify itself. Machiavelli served the Borgia family as a political advisor. Machiavelli noticed the infighting among the rivaling Italian city-states but saw the effectiveness in the Borgia family members in maintaining their power. In forming his opinions he developed a treatise known as The Prince. The book was based upon his ideal Prince. Machiavelli describes his position that the Prince should be the only authority determining different aspects of the state to serve his best interest. These interests should be gaining, maintaining and expanding political power. In his books he is often very contradictory of himself. He believed that a prince should only serve his own best interest. If a prince cannot be both feared and loved it is better for him to be just feared. Machiavelli derived his views from the experience of the Caesura Borgia who was the current Prince of Italy during his time and hopped that it would provide a framework for future princes. Some historians may argue that artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo had a greater influence of modern history then Machiavelli. Although a piece of art can be admired it remains nothing more than a piece of art. An individual whom is able to examine and explain human society and functions such a Machiavelli have much more substantial impact on history then a mere artist. Political scientist Max Lerner wrote in the introduction of the 1950s edition of the Prince that Machiavelli recognized the existence of the power of politic. The Prince is a main piece of evidence that define Machiavelli more influential than any artist to the renaissance period. Machiavellis most well known work The Prince became the best source to view of how politics works and it remains used by political thinker in the modern world. Sir Francis Bacon once wrote, We are much beholden to Machiavelli and others, that write what men do, and not what they ought to do. This means that Machiavelli wrote about political reality unlike political theories and how the government should be run. Seeing how our political world is run changed how the people viewed the government. Machiavellis realization allowed the future political theorists of the modern world to evaluate politics. It is unknown whether or not Machiavelli wrote The Prince to gain political appointment or out of a need for self-therapy. Nonetheless he was able to synthesize the traditional with the innovative unlike any other political philosopher of his time. In addition to Machiavellis political theories he is also very innovative in his writing style. A man clearly from the Renaissance Machiavelli clearly left his mark on history as a well-known and studied writer. Firstly his place Mandragola is often categorized as one of the most well written plays in the Italian language. Furthermore he wrote an essay called On Language. The essay includes principles on the science of semantics. This is one of the first written pieces to contain information on this topic. In recent years management theorists have been responsive to the fact that Machiavelli predicted the need for management theorist and also in developing guidelines applicable to deal with conflicts with business executives. Military theorists often reflect Machiavellis innovative warfare tactics and theories. A man of physical action at the age of 29 in 1498, Machiavelli accepted the position in Florence. His position was entrusted with diplomatic missions to local and other European courts. His position required great diplomacy and a substantial amount of understanding of European politics. Furthermore he involved himself in establishing the Florentine Militia. Due to the constant warfare of the shifting nations, while in office Machiavelli handled with military affairs. He had a substantial amount of practical experience with military matters. Frederick Taylor notes that Machiavelli is an important individual in the history of military theories. He notes: Machiavelli is the first secular writer to attempt to allot to the practice of arms its place among the collective activities of mankind, to define its aims, and to regard it as a means to an end. His book the Art of War published in 1521 it was the third of his major works in time. The book was thought to be technical. His theoretical point of view is dedicated to Lorenzo de Medici. Machiavelli confirms the unity of a countrys civil and military life. Today, people who think of only a civil life do not accept this. He states that the military and civil life of a nation is inseparable therefore a necessary moment in history. Some may argue that the Reformation religious leaders such a John Calvin or Martin Luther have a greater influence in history than Machiavelli. Martin Luther remains only a leader of the Reformation era through Roman Catholic or Protestant. Even in his own time John Calvins influence was no comparison to Martin Luther. Catholic leaders spent the reformation reacting to Martin Luther. Luthers influence is not equivalent to Machiavellis. Luthers influence was only concerned to Christianity, which has become less present to financial and political affairs concerning the modern western civilization. The Prince remains today a large influence on the political and financial operations of our modern world. The opinions on politics and political leaders that Machiavelli had would have a substantial influence on how future political leaders would run their countries. Secondly his influence in comparison to artist of his time is much larger. Additionally as demonstrated in his book The Prince the opinions that he had on how the government is run would alter how governments in the future would be run. Moreover the writing style that he adapted gave him a renowned name for himself and would be adapted by future writers. Due to his military experience Machiavellis tactics and style of military presented to make him be a noteworthy individual in modern western civilization. played its toll in shaping our world today. Lastly Machiavellis influence on the reformation would not be match worthy to any other reformation leader..

Friday, October 25, 2019

Inherit the Wind - Scene Analysis Essay -- Inherit the Wind Essays

Inherit the Wind - Scene Analysis The scene that introduces the audience to Matthew Harrison Brady, in Inherit the Wind, (Dir. Stanley Kramer. With Spencer Tracy, Frederic March, and Gene Kelly. MGM. 1960) uses dialogue, composition, camera work and music to develop Matthew Brady. Kramer reveals important information about the plot of the film in this scene. The scene opens with a bird's eye view shot of the town of Hillsboro, and focuses in on the movement of the parade below. The camera comes to rest on the convertible that transports Brady and his wife. The town of Hillsboro welcomes the well-known politician. He will serve the town by being the prosecutor in a trial about evolution, similar to that of the historical Scopes Trial. This scene, where we first meet Brady, reveals his strong character, and the role of savior that the town expects him to play. Through the development of Brady, Kramer also introduces us to the issues of religion and politics. Stanley Kramer, the director, introduces the audi ence to two key ideas in the very first shot of the scene. He does this through the use of background tools, like music and scenery. As the camera fades in from the previous scene, music begins to play, and a group of women sing a religious hymn, "Give me that old time religion." The extremely loud music continues for the duration of the parade. At first the audience doesn't know the source of the music, but as the parade comes to an end, the camera focuses on a group of militant looking women, who march and sing. This song draws the audience into the impending controversy over religion. It expresses the entire town's point of view on the issue. The audience can see that religion affects the soc... ...ene illustrates. Through the process of developing Brady's character, Kramer questions whether it is possible for religion to exist in politics. Brady can't balance the two, as his ultimate collapse illustrates. Kramer also points out the detrimental, oppressive affect that a small town can have on the truth. The narrow mindedness of the town enabled Brady to take control and prevent any alternative point of view to be considered. Is it possible for a small town to equally consider both sides of an argument? Brady appears to the town as a very strong self-assured man who believes in his ideas. At the climax of the film, Drummond places Brady on the stand, and questions his ideas. This serves as a major theme for the film and as a result it becomes necessary to have a strong development of Brady's character, so that the viewer can better understand his fall. Inherit the Wind - Scene Analysis Essay -- Inherit the Wind Essays Inherit the Wind - Scene Analysis The scene that introduces the audience to Matthew Harrison Brady, in Inherit the Wind, (Dir. Stanley Kramer. With Spencer Tracy, Frederic March, and Gene Kelly. MGM. 1960) uses dialogue, composition, camera work and music to develop Matthew Brady. Kramer reveals important information about the plot of the film in this scene. The scene opens with a bird's eye view shot of the town of Hillsboro, and focuses in on the movement of the parade below. The camera comes to rest on the convertible that transports Brady and his wife. The town of Hillsboro welcomes the well-known politician. He will serve the town by being the prosecutor in a trial about evolution, similar to that of the historical Scopes Trial. This scene, where we first meet Brady, reveals his strong character, and the role of savior that the town expects him to play. Through the development of Brady, Kramer also introduces us to the issues of religion and politics. Stanley Kramer, the director, introduces the audi ence to two key ideas in the very first shot of the scene. He does this through the use of background tools, like music and scenery. As the camera fades in from the previous scene, music begins to play, and a group of women sing a religious hymn, "Give me that old time religion." The extremely loud music continues for the duration of the parade. At first the audience doesn't know the source of the music, but as the parade comes to an end, the camera focuses on a group of militant looking women, who march and sing. This song draws the audience into the impending controversy over religion. It expresses the entire town's point of view on the issue. The audience can see that religion affects the soc... ...ene illustrates. Through the process of developing Brady's character, Kramer questions whether it is possible for religion to exist in politics. Brady can't balance the two, as his ultimate collapse illustrates. Kramer also points out the detrimental, oppressive affect that a small town can have on the truth. The narrow mindedness of the town enabled Brady to take control and prevent any alternative point of view to be considered. Is it possible for a small town to equally consider both sides of an argument? Brady appears to the town as a very strong self-assured man who believes in his ideas. At the climax of the film, Drummond places Brady on the stand, and questions his ideas. This serves as a major theme for the film and as a result it becomes necessary to have a strong development of Brady's character, so that the viewer can better understand his fall.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Discrimination against Ainu in Japan

The Ainu are a group of people in northern Japan whose traditional life was based upon a hunting-fishing and plant-gathering economy. Starting from the eighteenth century the Ainu suffered the systematic encroachment and subsequent colonization by the Japanese. After the Ainu Shinpo (new law) was enacted in 1997, there were some positive changes seen by Ainu people in Hokkaido. However discrimination against the Ainu still is a major social problem in life of indigenes.In this paper we will investigate the conflicting narratives of identity, history and contemporary reality. While broadly tracing the outlines of Ainu history and the colonisation of Hokkaido, the main focus is on the making and remaking of Ainu identity by both the dominant Japanese and the Ainu themselves. By focusing on the dynamics between racialisation and ethnic mobilisation within the context of colonial relations of domination, we will consider Ainu ‘ethnicity’ as a response to racism.Discriminatio n against Ainu in Japan The Ainu, descendants of the early inhabitants of Japan, were slowly driven off the main island over the years and eventually settled in Hokkaido. Accounts of the campaign to conquer the Ainu appear in historical records as early as the eighth century. The office of the shogun was originally established to subdue the â€Å"barbarians,† meaning the Ainu (Nomura, 1996). In the Tokugawa period, for instance, the Tokugawa shogun granted trading rights to one of the northern feudal lords.The feudal domain gradually tightened its economic control over the island, reducing the native Ainu to a condition of semislavery and compelling them to harvest marine products (FRPAC). Although only about eighteen thousand of the Ainu now live in Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, this population was much larger in the past and their homeland included at least southern Sakhalin, the Kurile Islands, northern parts of Honshu (the main island of Japan), and adjacent areas.Despite outsiders' frequent use of the blanket term â€Å"the Ainu,† Ainu culture was rich in intracultural variations (Seligman & Watanabe, 1963). Not only was their hunting-gathering economy vastly different from that of their agricultural neighbors (the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese), they spoke a language of their own, and some of their physical characteristics were thought to distinguish them from their neighbors. The question of Ainu identity continues to press today without a definitive answer (FRPAC). The Kurile Ainu were the hardest-hit victims of the Russians and the Japanese; the last of them died in 1941.Sakhalin south of 50 ° N had been the homeland of the Sakhalin Ainu, while the territory north of 50 ° N belonged to the Gilyaks and other peoples. The Sakhalin Ainu, estimated to have been between 1,200 and 2,400 in number during the first half of the twentieth century, most likely moved from Hokkaido, possibly as early as the first millennium A. D. , but definitely by the thirteenth century (Nomura, 1996). They were in close contact with so-called native populations both on Sakhalin and along the Amur, such as the Gilyaks, Oroks, and Nanays.The history of contact with outsiders is equally complicated for the Hokkaido Ainu, whose territory once included north-eastern Honshu. As the Japanese central government was formed and its force expanded toward the northeast, the Ainu were gradually pushed north away from their territory (FRPAC). Systematic contact between the Ainu and the Japanese started at the end of the sixteenth century with the establishment of the Matsumae clan, which claimed as its territory the south-western end of Hokkaido and the adjacent areas.In 1799 the Matsumae territory in Hokkaido came under the direct control of the Tokugawa shogunate for the purpose of protecting Japanese interests against Russian expansion southward. Administrative control changed again in 1821 to the Matsumae and then back to the shogun ate in 1854 (Nomura, 1996). Most drastic and enduring changes took place shortly after the establishment of the Meiji government in 1868. It brought Hokkaido under the central government's direct administration and set out to foster Japanese settlements and develop the island's economy.The Ainu lost their land and their hunting and fishing rights. In order to Japanize the Ainu, the government banned traditional Ainu practices and forced Ainu children to learn Japanese in the school system (Layland, 2000). In 1875 the central and northern Kuriles came under the political control of the Japanese government, which made several attempts to â€Å"protect† the Ainu, but without success and often with adverse effect upon them (Nomura, 1996). The new government abolished the residential restriction for both the Ainu and the Japanese, who could then live anywhere in Hokkaido.It also encouraged the Japanese to immigrate to Hokkaido in order to utilize its natural resources. The Ainu we re enrolled in the Japanese census registers and forced to attend Japanese schools established by the government. Beginning in 1883, the Ainu were uprooted from their settlements, granted plots of land more suited for agriculture, and encouraged to take up agriculture (Layland, 2000). In the post-World War II years, a movement among the Ainu to preserve their culture, language, and way of life emerged.The leadership of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido has requested the Japanese government to guarantee the basic rights of the Ainu people and respect their cultural and ethnic identity (Layland, 2000). Just as the Ainu contacts with the Japanese went through a series of historical changes, so did the Japanese attitude toward them. Since the Ainu homeland is located in what used to be Japan's northern frontier – a hinterland for many Japanese until recently – the Ainu stood outside of the reflexive structure of the Japanese during earlier historical periods.By the eighteen th century, however, the Ainu had clearly become one of the marginalized internal others within Japanese society (Nomura, 1996). Historical agents directly involved in this process were the Japanese governmental officials of different historical periods and the Japanese in the Ainu land. They viewed and represented the Ainu as uncivilized or primitive. But the primitive always have another side — for some Japanese, especially those in parts of Japan distant from the Ainu homeland, the Ainu were and are even today the exotic other.This is especially so with Ainu women, living in â€Å"nature,† whose â€Å"deep-set eyes† had exotic sexuality – a familiar picture in almost every case of colonial-colonized or majority-minority relationship (Nomura, 1996). The Japanese perception and representation of the Ainu are most systematically expressed in a series of Ainu – Japanese artists' portrayals of the Ainu and their lives that appeared during a period of a little more than a century, from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the midnineteenth century, that is, at the height of Japanese efforts to colonize Ainu territory.The hallmarks of otherness depicted in these paintings include hunting scenes, the bear ceremony, women's tattoos, men's body hair and beards, and Ainu use of jewellery. In contrast to the Japanese, whose deities are primarily plants, the supreme deity of the Ainu is the bear – a sign of Ainu proximity to animals. The association the Japanese made between the Ainu and animals is also seen in their painstaking representations of the bodies of Ainu.The Japanese, who do not have much body hair, often point to the abundant body hair of the Ainu, as well as of Westerners, and use it as â€Å"evidence† that these people are close to animals (Layland, 2000). The dispossession of the Ainu, which had largely been accomplished by 1890 through the expropriation of Ainu land (and fishing grounds) as the prim ary economic resource on which colonial development was based, was institutionalised by the enactment of the Protection Act of 1899 (Nomura, 1996).With the Law for the Protection of Native Hokkaido Aborigines, a policy of assimilation was forced upon the Ainu. As a consequence, their social structure and living environment went through a number of drastic changes as restrictions were put on their customs, language, and means of livelihood. The 1899 law contained new land policies that violated the Ainu's territorial integrity. It banned traditional subsistence strategies such as deer hunting and salmon fishing, and also forced the Ainu to cultivate rice for the Japanese mainland.The law also prohibited the practice of ancient Ainu customs and Ainu languages; with no writing system of their own, these prohibitions furthered the cultural destruction of Ainu society. There has also been a high rate of marriage between Ainu and Japanese that has contributed further to the erosion of the Ainu language and culture. It is not surprising, then, that traditional Ainu society had been largely destroyed by the beginning of the 20th century. In the last 100 years, Ainu traditional lifestyles have largely disappeared, and their rights have been overlooked within Japanese society.The traditional Ainu settlement – kotan – can no longer be seen, and the traditional grass thatch Ainu huts – chise – are almost non-existent, the exceptions being tourist areas where music and dance performances or handicraft souvenirs are offered (Weiner, 1997). The Protection Act focused on three main areas of Ainu policy: agriculture, education and welfare assistance, notably in the area of medical care. Ainu families engaged, or wishing to engage, in agriculture were to be granted up to five hectares of undeveloped land as an allotment (kyuyochi) without charge (Article One).This did not mean full rights of ownership; various restrictions were placed on the transfer of the allotments which could not be sold or used to secure a mortgage, although they were exempt from land registration fees, local tax and land tax for thirty years (Article Two). Land not developed within fifteen years, however, would be repossessed (Article Three). Agricultural tools and seeds were to be made available for needy families (Article Four). Education was to be provided through the medium of special Native Schools (Kyudojin gakko) to be constructed at national expense in Ainu villages (Article Nine).Financial assistance was available for school fees (Article Seven). For the destitute, sick, and people too old or too young to support themselves, medical fees would be paid. Funeral expenses were also covered (Articles Five and Six). Some of the money for these measures was to come from the profits of Ainu communal property, which was under bureaucratic control, the rest from the national treasury (Articles Eight and Ten). Article Eleven empowered the Governor to issue â€Å"police orders†Ã¢â‚¬â€fines and periods of imprisonment—with regard to protection matters (Weiner, 1997).Later, in the 1950s and 1960s, interest in ethnic tourism and in the Ainu people began to grow. This raised questions about the substance and meaning of Ainu cultural identity in relationship to the culture and identity of the more numerous Japanese. The image of Ainu with their traditional costumes and exotic facial features became increasingly prevalent through the development of tourism. Group photographs taken with Ainu chiefs in traditional costumes reflected the fascination with difference within the Japanese population.Many touristic souvenirs comprised Ainu bear woodcrafts and â€Å"couple dolls† (Kindaiti, 1941). Thus, the increase in post-war tourism, and its focus on the Ainu as commodity and symbols of indigenous Japan, contributed in a positive way to some modest revitalization within the Ainu community, but also raised question about thei r position in the social and political hierarchy of Japan (Weiner, 1997). The existence of the Ainu is virtually ignored elsewhere in the society, most conspicuously in the classroom.A report conducted in 1993 showed that only ten out of twenty high school Japanese history textbooks mentioned the background of contact between the Ainu and mainstream Japanese and the assimilation policies forced upon the Ainu since the nineteenth century; only four mentioned the Hokkaido Former Aborigines Protection Act (Weiner, 1997). However indigenous rights are becoming more widely discussed and cultures of indigenous peoples are becoming recognized throughout the world, the Ainu indigenous movement has also been raised to the international level, urging constitutional reforms to expand their leverage, recognition and rights at home.In 1993, the year before the International Year of the World's Indigenous People, Nomura Giiti, the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, was invited to part icipate in an international meeting organized by the United Nations (Layland, 2000). In his speech, Nomura shared Ainu concerns with other indigenous groups, including the experience of the Ainu under the Japanese government's policy of assimilation after the late 19th century. He called for the United Nations to set international standards against discrimination and support the Ainu people in negotiating with the Japanese government.The Ainu Shinpo (meaning â€Å"new law†) was drafted and proposed in 1984, and finally passed on 8 May 1997. It states that: The law aims to realize the society in which the ethnic pride of the Ainu people is respected and to contribute to the development of diverse cultures in our country, by the implementation of the measures for the promotion of Ainu culture, referring to the situation of Ainu traditions and culture from which the Ainu people find their ethnic pride †¦ â€Å"Ainu Culture† in this law means the Ainu language; music, dance, rafts and other cultural properties that have been inherited by the Ainu people; as well as other cultural properties developed from these (Weiner, 1997). Thus, the Japanese government had finally given limited formal recognition to the Ainu as the indigenous minority within Japanese territory, at least in Hokkaido. The general reaction from the Ainu at the time of the endorsement of the new law was that it was â€Å"late in coming and did not include enough concrete change†.Yet with this initial step, both Ainu and Japanese people assumed and expected more cultural preservation of language and traditions, as well as legal protection for traditional land use, anti-discrimination policies, and a general improvement in Ainu social status. After the Ainu Shinpo was enacted in 1997, there were some positive changes seen by Ainu people in Hokkaido. They saw an increase in financial support for various kinds of cultural activities; and conference, exhibition, and cultural e xchanges with other indigenous groups in other countries increased.This provided the Ainu with opportunities to enhance their â€Å"indigenous† status in Japan, and to build contacts and share information with indigenous people around the world (Layland, 2000). With the enactment of the Ainu Culture Promotion Law, the Japanese government took a significant step towards officially acknowledging the existence of the Ainu as an ethnic minority. The law is Japan's first legislation to acknowledge the existence of an ethnic minority in the country and, unlike the Hokkaido Former Aborigines Protection Act which the new law replaces, the Ainu were involved in the process of its enactment.This preliminary move, however, stopped short of recognising the Ainu as an indigenous people as defined by the United Nations. The Hokkaido Ainu thus remain virtually invisible in a country they have inhabited for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. One venue that plays a vital role in the repres entation of the Ainu in Japan today is ethnic tourism, which centres on tourist villages scattered across Hokkaido (Layland, 2000).The Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture (FRPAC) was established in 1997, almost at the same time as the enactment of the Ainu Shinpo. The FRPAC started with an endowment of JPY100 million (of which JPY 90 million is from the Hokkaido government and JPY 10 million is from 62 municipalities in Hokkaido that include Ainu residents) allocated to support diverse activities (FRPAC). With their two offices in Hokkaido and Tokyo, FRPAC operates under the four basic policies in promoting Ainu cultural traditions in Japan and the rest of the world (Weiner, 1997).During the past few years, FRPAC's work has included providing different kinds of publications such as textbooks for primary and junior high schools, a handbook on place names (terminology) in Ainu language with relevant elaboration. Also, exhibition catalogues, monographs on Ainu history and culture (in different languages) for Japanese and foreigners, as well as other related materials, have been published with the support of FRPAC. A number of comprehensive exhibitions were co-sponsored by overseas institutes for the enhancement of public interest in Ainu culture in Japan (Weiner, 1997).According to the 1999 population survey, the percentage of Ainu students who attended high school was 95. 2%, that rose up from 69. 3% in 1979, and the percentage that went on to college was 16. 1%, from 8. 8% in 1979. These figures are lower than the 1999 national average figures of 97. 0 and 34. 5%, respectively (Layland, 2000). Despite some improvement during the last three decades, further reduction of the education gap will be necessary for the improvement of the Ainu's social status.Since the changes that occurred after the 1997, Ainu culture is now facing another critical period. The survival of Ainu culture, whatever form it will take, depends on how the indigenous rights of Ainu are interpreted at both individual and national levels; on how seriously the Japanese government implements the laws protecting indigenous and minority rights and cultural heritage; and on whether Ainu as â€Å"other† remain important to the Japanese in the articulation of their identity (Weiner, 1997).The Ainu Shinpo and institutions such as the Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture, already represent a step in a new direction in Ainu – Japanese relations. The cultural park establishment as well as the reterritorialization of the iwor (traditional hunting ground of the Ainu) (in Hokkaido at least), represents another concrete and progressive measure allowing the Ainu private control of their natural resources, reaffirmation of their identity, and legitimization of their lifestyle and customs.Despite continuing challenges, we are sure to see new cultural forms generated from the interaction between Ainu self-determination and the larger Japanese society (Layland, 2000). Doubtlessly, what has changed most since the 1997 is the awareness among the Ainu that they need to preserve their cultural traditions for their descendants (Weiner, 1997). However, as stated above, there remain so few Ainu who are able to speak Ainu as their mother tongue, and most are no longer practicing their traditional ways.As in the case of other ethnic minority groups around the world, the Ainu in Japan require an environment in society in which they can express how they think and ask for what they expect. I think that exhibitions in Ainu museums, broadcast programs for Ainu language and cultural exchanges in the form of performing arts have to be organised today. Then Ainu culture will be more visible and give people the impetus to think about what it means to be Ainu. The Ainu should adapt to modern ways since it is not easy or feasible to live in the old ways.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rosalind Franklin Discovered DNA Structure

Rosalind Franklin Discovered DNA Structure Rosalind Franklin is known for her role (largely unacknowledged during her lifetime) in discovering the helical structure of DNA, a discovery credited to Watson, Crick, and Wilkins- received a Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine in 1962.  Franklin might have been included in that prize, had she lived.  She was born on July 25, 1920, and died on April 16, 1958.  she was a biophysicist, physical chemist, and molecular biologist. Early Life Rosalind Franklin was born in London. Her family was well-off; her father worked as a banker with socialist leanings and taught at the Working Mens College. Her family was active in the public sphere. A paternal great-uncle was the first practicing Jew to serve in the British Cabinet. An aunt was involved with the womens suffrage movement and trade union organizing. Her parents were involved in resettling Jews from Europe. Studies Rosalind Franklin developed her interest in science at school, and by age 15 she decided to become a chemist. She had to overcome the opposition of her father, who did not want her to attend college or become a scientist; he preferred that she go into social work. She earned her Ph.D. in chemistry in 1945 at Cambridge. After graduating, Rosalind Franklin stayed and worked for a while at Cambridge and then took a job in the coal industry, applying her knowledge and skill to the structure of coal. She went from that position to Paris, where she worked with Jacques Mering and developed techniques in x-ray crystallography, a leading-edge technique to explore the structure of the atoms in molecules. Studying DNA Rosalind Franklin joined the scientists at the Medical Research Unit, Kings College when John Randall recruited her to work on the structure of DNA. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) was originally discovered in 1898 by Johann Miescher, and it was known that it was a key to genetics. But it was not until the middle of the 20th century when scientific methods had developed to where the actual structure of the molecule could be discovered, and Rosalind Franklins work was key to that methodology. Rosalind Franklin worked on the DNA molecule from 1951 until 1953. Using x-ray crystallography, she took photographs of the B version of the molecule. A co-worker with whom Franklin did not have a good working relationship, Maurice H.F. Wilkins, showed Franklins photographs of DNA to James Watson- without Franklins permission. Watson and his research partner Francis Crick were working independently on the structure of DNA, and Watson realized that these photographs were the scientific evidence they needed to prove that the DNA molecule was a double-stranded helix. While Watson, in his account of the discovery of the structure of DNA, largely dismissed Franklins role in the discovery, Crick later admitted that Franklin had been only two steps away from the solution herself. Randall had decided that the lab would not work with DNA, and so by the time her paper was published, she had moved on to Birkbeck College and the study of the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus, and she showed the helix structure of the virus RNA. She worked at Birkbeck for John Desmond Bernal and with Aaron Klug, whose 1982 Nobel Prize was based in part on his work with Franklin. Cancer In 1956, Franklin discovered she had tumors in her abdomen. She continued to work while undergoing treatment for cancer. She was hospitalized at the end of 1957, returned to work in early 1958, but soon became unable to work. She died in April. Rosalind Franklin did not marry or have children; she conceived of her choice to go into science as giving up marriage and children. Legacy Watson, Crick, and Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine in 1962, four years after Franklin died. The Nobel Prize rules limit the number of people for an award to three and also limit the award to those who are still alive, so Franklin was not eligible for the Nobel. Nevertheless, many have thought that she deserved explicit mention in the award and that her key role in confirming the structure of DNA was overlooked because of her early death and the attitudes of the scientists of the time toward women scientists. Watsons book recounting his role in the discovery of DNA displays his dismissive attitude toward Rosy. Cricks description of Franklins role was less negative than Watsons, and Wilkins mentioned Franklin when he accepted the Nobel. Anne Sayre wrote a biography of Rosalind Franklin, responding to the lack of credit given to her and the descriptions of Franklin by Watson and others. The wife of another scientist at the laboratory and a friend of Franklin, Sayre describes the clash of personalities and the sexism that Franklin faced in her work. Aaron Klug used Franklins notebooks to show how close she had come to independently discovering the structure of DNA. In 2004, the Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School changed its name to the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science to honor Franklins role in science and medicine. Career Highlights Fellowship, Cambridge, 1941-42: gas-phase chromatography, working with Ronald Norrish (Norrish won a 1967 Nobel in chemistry)British Coal Utilisation Research Association, 1942-46: studied physical structure of coal and graphiteLaboratoire Central des Services Chimiques de lEtat, Paris, 1947-1950: worked with x-ray crystallography, working with Jacques MeringMedical Research Unit, Kings College, London; Turner-Newall fellowship, 1950-1953: worked on the structure of DNABirkbeck College, 1953-1958; studied tobacco mosaic virus and RNA Education St. Pauls Girls School, London: one of the few schools for girls that included scientific studyNewnham College, Cambridge, 1938-1941, graduated 1941 in chemistryCambridge, Ph.D. in chemistry, 1945 Family Father: Ellis FranklinMother: Muriel Waley FranklinRosalind Franklin was one of four children, the only daughter Religious Heritage: Jewish, later became an agnostic Also known as:  Rosalind Elsie Franklin, Rosalind E. Franklin Key Writings by or About Rosalind Franklin Rosalind Franklin and Raymond G. Gosling [research student working with Franklin]. Article in Nature published April 25, 1953, with Franklins photograph of the B form of DNA. In the same issue as Watson and Cricks article announcing the double-helix structure of DNA.J. D. Bernal. Dr. Rosalind E. Franklin. Nature 182, 1958.James D. Watson. The Double Helix. 1968.Aaron Klug, Rosalind Franklin and the discovery of the structure of DNA. Nature 219, 1968.Robert Olby. The Path to the Double Helix. 1974.Anne Sayre. Rosalind Franklin and DNA. 1975.Brenda Maddox. Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA. 2002.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Palace of Minos at Knossos in Ancient Crete

The Palace of Minos at Knossos in Ancient Crete The Palace of Minos at Knossos is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. Located on Kephala Hill on the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece, Knossos palace was the political, social and cultural center of the Minoan culture during the Early and Middle Bronze Age. Founded at least as early as 2400 BC, its power was greatly diminished, but not completely dissipated, by the eruption of Santorini about 1625 BC. Whats perhaps more important, perhaps, is that the ruins of Knossos Palace are the cultural heart of the Greek myths Theseus fighting the Minotaur, Ariadne and her ball of string, Daedalus the architect and doomed Icarus of the wax wings; all reported by Greek and Roman sources but almost certainly much older. The earliest representation of Theseus fighting the minotaur is illustrated on an amphora from the Greek island of Tinos dated 670-660 BC Palaces of the Aegean Culture The Aegean culture known as Minoan is the Bronze Age civilization that flourished on the island of Crete during the second and third millennia BC. The city of Knossos was one of its main citiesand it contained its largest palace after the shattering earthquake that marks the beginning of the New Palace period in Greek archaeology, ca. 1700 BC. Palaces of the Minoan culture were likely not simply residences of a ruler, or even a ruler and his family, but rather held a public function, where others could enter and use (some of) the palace facilities where staged performances took place. The palace at Knossos, according to legend the palace of King Minos, was the largest of the Minoan palaces, and the longest-lived building of its type, remaining throughout the Middle and Late Bronze Ages as the focal point of the settlment. Knossos Chronology In the early 20th century, Knossos excavator Arthur Evans pegged the rise of Knossos to the Middle Minoan I period, or about 1900 BC; archaeological evidence since then has found the first public feature on Kephala Hilla deliberately leveled rectangular plaza or courtwas constructed as early as the Final Neolithic (ca 2400 BC, and the first building by Early Minoan I-IIA (ca 2200 BC). This chronology is based in part on that of John Youngers plain-jane Aegean chronology, which I highly recommend. Late Helladic (Final Palatial) 1470-1400, Greek take over of CreteLate Minoan/Late Helladic 1600-1470 BCMiddle Minoan (Neo-Palatial) 1700-1600 BC (Linear A, eruption of Santorini, ca 1625 BC)Middle Minoan (Proto-Palatial) 1900-1700 BC (peripheral courts established, heyday of the Minoan culture)Early Minoan (Pre-Palatial), 2200-1900 BC, court complex started by EM I-IIA including the first Court buildingFinal Neolithic or Pre-Palatial 2600-2200 BC (first central courtyard of what would become the palace at Knossos begun in FN IV) The stratigraphy is difficult to parse because there were several major episodes of earth-moving and terrace building, so much so that earth moving must be considered a nearly constant process that began on Kephala hill at least as early as EM IIA, and probably starts with the very end of the Neolithic FN IV. Knossos Palace Construction and History The palace complex at Knossos was begun in the PrePalatial period, perhaps as long ago as 2000 BC, and by 1900 BC, it was fairly close to its final form. That form is the same as other Minoan palaces such as Phaistos, Mallia and Zakros: a large single building with a central courtyard surrounding by a set of rooms for various purposes. The palace had perhaps as many as ten separate entrances: those on the north and west served as the main entry ways. Around 1600 BC, one theory goes, a tremendous earthquake shook the Aegean Sea, devastating Crete as well as the Mycenaean cities on the Greek mainland. Knossos palace was destroyed; but the Minoan civilization rebuilt almost immediately on top of the ruins of the past, and indeed the culture reached its pinnacle only after the devastation. During the Neo-Palatial period [1700-1450 BC], the Palace of Minos covered nearly 22,000 square meters (~5.4 acres) and contained storage rooms, living quarters, religious areas, and banquet rooms. What appears today to be a jumble of rooms connected by narrow passageways may well have given rise to the myth of the Labyrinth; the structure itself was built of a complex of dressed masonry and clay-packed rubble, and then half-timbered. Columns were many and varied in the Minoan tradition, and the walls were vividly decorated with frescoes. Architectural Elements The palace at Knossos was renowned for its unique light emanating from its surfaces, the results of the liberal use of gypsum (selenite) from a local quarry as a building material and ornamental element. Evans reconstruction used a grey cement, which made a huge difference to the way its seen. Restoration efforts are underway to remove the cement and restore the gypsum surface, but they have moved slowly, because removing the greyish cement mechanically is detrimental to the underlying gypsum. Laser removal has been attempted and may prove a reasonable answer. The main source of water at Knossos initially was at the spring of Mavrokolymbos, about 10 kilometers away from the palace and conveyed by way of a system of terracotta pipes. Six wells in the near vicinity of the palace served potable water beginning ca. 1900-1700 BC. A sewer system, which connected toilets flushed with rainwater to large (79x38 cm) drains, had secondary pipelines, lightwells and drains and in total exceeds 150 meters in length. It has also been suggested as the inspiration for the labyrinth myth. Ritual Artifacts of the Palace at Knossos The Temple Repositories are two large stone lined cists on the west side of the central court. They contained a variety of objects, that were placed as a shrine either in Middle Minoan IIIB or Late Minoan IA, following earthquake damage. Hatzaki (2009) argued that the pieces were not broken during the earthquake, but rather were ritually broken after the earthquake and ritually laid down. The artifacts in these repositories include faience objects, ivory objects, antlers, fish vertebrae, a snake goddess figurine, other figurines and figurine fragments, storage jars, gold foil, a rock crystal disk with petals and bronze. Four stone libation tables, three half-finished tables. The Town Mosaic plaques are a set of over 100 polychrome faience tiles which illustrate house facade), men, animals, trees and plants and maybe water. The pieces were found between in a fill deposit between an Old Palace period floor and an early Neopalatial period one. Evans thought they were originally pieces of inlay in a wooden chest, with a linked historical narrativebut there is no agreement about that in the scholarly community today. Excavation and Reconstruction The Palace at Knossos was first extensively excavated by Sir Arthur Evans, beginning in 1900. in the earliest years of the 20th century. One of the pioneers of the field of archaeology, Evans had a marvelous imagination and a tremendous creative fire, and he used his skills to create what you can go and see today at Knossos in northern Crete. Investigations have been conducted at Knossos off and on since then, most recently by the Knossos Kephala Project (KPP) beginning in 2005. Sources This glossary entry is a part of the guides to the Minoan Culture, and Royal Palaces, and the Dictionary of Archaeology. Angelakis A, De Feo G, Laureano P, and Zourou A. 2013. Minoan and Etruscan Hydro-Technologies. Water 5(3):972-987. Boileau M-C, and Whitley J. 2010. Patterns of Production and Consumption of Coarse to Semi-Fine Pottery at Early Iron Age Knossos. Annual of the British School at Athens 105:225-268. Grammatikakis G, Demadis KD, Melessanaki K, and Pouli P. 2015. Laser-assisted removal of dark cement crusts from mineral gypsum (selenite) architectural elements of peripheral monuments at Knossos. Studies in Conservation 60(sup1):S3-S11. Hatzaki E. 2009. Structured Deposition as Ritual Action at Knossos. Hesperia Supplements 42:19-30. Hatzaki E. 2013. The end of an intermezzo at Knossos: ceramic wares, deposits, and architecture in a social context. In: Macdonald CF, and Knappett C, editors. Intermezzo: Intermediacy and Regeneration in Middle Minoan III Palatial Crete. London: The British School at Athens. p 37-45. Knappett C, Mathioudaki I, and Macdonald CF. 2013. Stratigraphy and ceramic typology in the Middle Mnoan III palace at Knossos. In: Macdonald CF, and Knappett C, editors. Intermezzo: Intermediacy and Regeneration in Middle Minoan III Palatial Crete. London: The British School at Athens. p 9-19. Momigliano N, Phillips L, Spataro M, Meeks N, and Meek A. 2014. A newly discovered Minoan faience plaque from the Knossos town mosaic in the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery: a technological insight. Annual of the British School at Athens 109:97-110. Nafplioti A. 2008. â€Å"Mycenaean† political domination of Knossos following the Late Minoan IB destructions on Crete: negative evidence from strontium isotope ratio analysis (87Sr/86Sr). Journal of Archaeological Science 35(8):2307-2317. Nafplioti A. 2016. Eating in prosperity: First stable isotope evidence of diet from Palatial Knossos. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6:42-52. Shaw MC. 2012. New light on the labyrinth fresco from the palace at Knossos. Annual of the British School at Athens 107:143-159. Schoep I. 2004. Assessing the role of architecture in conspicuous consumption in the Middle Minoan I-II periods. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 23(3):243-269. Shaw JW, and Lowe A. 2002. The Lost Portico at Knossos: The Central Court Revisited. American Journal of Archaeology 106(4):513-523. Tomkins P. 2012. Behind the horison: Reconsidering the genesis and function of the First Palace at Knossos (Final Neolithic IV-Middle Minoan IB). In: Schoep I, Tomkins P, and Driessen J, editors. Back to the Beginning: Reassessing Social and Political Complexity on Crete during the Early and Middle Bronze Age. Oxford: Oxbow Books. p 32-80.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Getting a Raise and Getting a Rise

Getting a Raise and Getting a Rise Getting a Raise and Getting a Rise Getting a Raise and Getting a Rise By Maeve Maddox Natasha asks: What is the difference between rise and raise? As far as I understand, they both have to do with an increase, but they are also supposed to be different. Is that correct? The words raise and rise have numerous meanings, both as verbs and as nouns. Some common meanings of rise as a noun: a movement upward Ex. The world watched his rise to power. the reaching of a higher level by an increase of quantity or bulk Ex. The rise of the river provoked concern. an upward slope Ex. We walked as far as the rise. an irritated response to provocation Ex. Your last remark sure got a rise out of him. the distance from the crotch to the waistline on pants; the distance above the waistline on skirts Ex. The tailor measured the rise. One of the Merriam-Webster definitions of raise as a noun is â€Å"an increase in wages or salary.† British speakers, however, would refer to such an increase as a â€Å"rise.† Writing for British readers, Paul MacKenzie-Cummins heads his article with the title Get a Salary Rise: Six Tips. Writing for speakers of U.S. English, Dawn Rosenberg McKay heads a similar article with the title How to Ask for a Raise. Both U. S. and British usage would find the following headline acceptable: Experts Predict a Rise in Salaries Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Structure A Story: The Eight-Point ArcCannot or Can Not?Is "Number" Singular or Plural?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Long-Range Planning in the Present World Environment Assignment

Long-Range Planning in the Present World Environment - Assignment Example Terror attacks, war, and nuclear dilemmas facing the world were additional topics requiring brainstorming at the event. Former U.S. President Clinton maintained that climate change is the only crisis "that has the power to end the march of civilization as we know it." Otherwise, "There is no reason for pessimism," declared Jeroen van der Veer, chief executive of Royal Dutch Shell (Environment News Service 2006). A Dutch managing director claimed that 'long-range planning is nowadays seen as an academic exercise' given that the times are uncertain and the environment turbulent. We have heard that the polar ice cap was depleted by a staggering fourteen percent between the years 2004 and 2005. Now if another Ice Age was to commence in six to seven years and we were sure that this would happen, companies could do away with long-range planning. Since there is no definite date for the end of the world, however, companies must do what they have always done - plan and forecast. Yes, there are forces beyond the control of people of the world. Besides, threats of violence around the globe have not been put to an end. We have already witnessed the effects of war and terror on the economic state of the world. Still, uncertainty has always been the present state of the world. ... Companies of all sizes continue to operate everywhere on earth. Life is going on without any surety as to what would happen in five to ten years' time. Natural disasters do occur and both small and large companies do lose a lot of money. Firms die and new ones are born. CEO's retire and younger ones take their place. Nevertheless, companies must continue to make long term plans about running their businesses as productively as possible, taking into account the external factors that could disturb the process in between. No company can survive with its focus on a big scale disaster. Therefore, businessmen would go on making budgets and deciding how to increase their sales over the coming years. Short and long term planning combined is the lifeblood of all firms and would be carried on for as long as the earth endures. Furthermore, today's business environment is fast changing because of innovations in technology. Companies must be taking into account all factors that spell change whils t planning; these factors not only include technology but also forces that the world does not fully understand at this point in time. As Gordon C. Robbins (1995) puts it, "A good deal of organizational planning . . . is like a ritual rain dance. It has no effect on the weather that follows. . . . Much of the advice related to planning is directed at improving the dancing, not the weather." Long-Range Planning Business planning has two aspects: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative planning is number crunching based on market reports, for example. Qualitative plans, on the other hand, consist of descriptions and explanations. A long-range business plan includes both qualitative and quantitative aspects. It is the qualitative aspect that

Friday, October 18, 2019

Anonymity and Abuse on the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Anonymity and Abuse on the Internet - Essay Example The issue of anonymity is one that has posed a number of concerns for the people who use the Internet because there are so many individuals who hide their identities and therefore pose as imposters (Saco 2002). Similarly abuse is another aspect that has come to the fore with the passage of time. Abuse means that the users of the Internet are being blamed and cursed for no mistake of theirs. It also means that the individuals who are using the Internet are being treated in an unfair manner. This is an important tangent that needs to be resolved in a proactive fashion and should be taken care of in a quantifiable capacity. Anonymity and abuse over the Internet are some of the most pressing issues that need to be analyzed and understood in a proper way. This is because the repercussions for the same are immense and the magnanimity of these could be estimated with the passage of time. The different software and programs that are used over the Internet have been effective at outlining the issues and problems which have come to the fore (Mclean 2002). One should believe that anonymity and abuse over the Internet remains a problematic area that must be understood within the proper contexts (Cowan 2004). If this is not done in the most righteous way, there could be serious consequences for the people who matter the most within the related settings. These could include the users who are browsing over the Internet, the ones who frequent social networking websites, blogs and so on and so forth.

Facilitating Change in Health and Social Care Essay

Facilitating Change in Health and Social Care - Essay Example The Economic factor is one of the key aspects in case of health and social care services. In this regard, Plamping (n.d) claimed that rising cost of the health and social care services leads to certain challenges for patients. However, it is witnessed that governmental authorities have availed financial resources to the health and social care organizations for the betterment of health and social care services. Plamping argued that through incorporating economic as well as cost-effective approach, care organizations could bring changes in health and social care services for the betterment of future. At the same time, the workforce is one of the essential aspects in case of health and social care services. Thus, it is essential for the health and social care organizations to enhance the skills and ability of the workforce for greater effectiveness in future. Apart from this, it can also be claimed that Whitstable Nursing Home (WNH) can reduce the cost of the workforce for improving the ir opportunities in terms of health and social care services. The rising expectation and quality care were driving the need for change. Social and demographic issues can negatively affect the overall performances of the health and social care services. For an instance, it can be argued that an individual’s health-related behavior such as smoking could adversely affect the surrounding and the physical environment. On the other hand, it can be claimed that social and cultural values (Plumbing, n.d.).

How the internet has changed world culture Essay - 1

How the internet has changed world culture - Essay Example nd what made it more endearing to masses of people one can identify the most important element as its swiftness, that is, its capability in providing the details in an instant. This is quite made possible by Google and Wikipedia by opening the realm of knowledge within seconds, creating a culture where acquiring knowledge becomes more and more easy. The social changes that internet brought to the world is really notable that it gives due importance to relationships. One may say that the Internet is about relationships whether political, economic or social. The major impact of internet on our society and culture is not negligible. A revolutionary change occurred in society with emails when it replaced letters. Internet has wondrously reduced the time interval of hand written letters where one had to wait for weeks for a reply. Today instant emails across thousands of miles are quite possible. The advent of internet has helped a great deal in reducing the cultural differences that it enables one to have a clear picture of other cultures far beyond our own towns, cities and countries, and thus making the world smaller. To speak figuratively, world is in our hands—just a click away. Another significant change has occurred in the educational and medical field. World has witnessed for a sudden change in educational sector that many modern universities have online based educational systems. The students and educators can clarify their doubts instantly through various educational websites and thousands of online libraries and can really improve the educational standards. One of the greatest changes brought by internet is in the medical field where the doctors could share and seek wise counsels or face to face interactions through online teleconferences from medical experts and successfully conduct even complicated surgeries. Internet has dominant influence in politics political system of a country. Internet has now emerged as an effective medium to gather

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Context of Blight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Context of Blight - Essay Example In his interview with (Plath), the author revealed his intention to incorporate his experience of the comedy bars, his memories of the stand-up comedians and the daring quality of theater into a poem. But as he was on his way to writing the poem, the anecdotal stories started as formal design originating in something that was more of entertainment than a model of literacy. As the anecdotal characters started to acquire more hold over the poem’s plot, the author had little choice but to convert it into a short story. Blight was meant to be a story irrespective of the author’s plans for it. The characters in the story present a semi-autobiographical story. Had the author originally intended to write it as a story, it would probably have come out of his pen much different than it did otherwise. Therefore, this context is the most important controlling factor in the story of  Blight.  

Outline the key topics that underpin the study of Social Policy Essay

Outline the key topics that underpin the study of Social Policy - Essay Example Social policy encourages similar living standards for everyone in the society. This includes providing equal education, healthcare, employment, money, security, and other important necessities of life. There are some important bodies involved in social policy as well and these include government, official bodies, charitable organizations, social human beings, neighbors, and families (Alcock, May, & Wright, 2012). Social policy is not only concerned with what the government does for citizens. However, social policy refers to the social spending by any individual for other. Social policy defines the role of government to spend for the people. These spending include pension funds, hospitals, and schools. Based only on government, the social policy can vary depending upon several factors including economic situation. Social policy is a wide subject accompanying different approaches including sociology, psychology, history, economics, demography, and human geography. Therefore, it could also be defined as combining approaches from the different social sciences. Social policy may also include other important aspect such as the amount of spending that the government should make on defense, law and order, industry and agricultural employment, transport, sport and culture, international development, and debt interest. Although the government of most of the countries do more than one-third of the collected wealth, but the private spending in social policy is more than the services government providing. Understanding the term of doing well or good to human beings is complex. It includes different factors and the study of these factors is social policy, and social science. The above mentioned five key factors of social policy are given birth by the societies just because either society understands and recognizes the social human needs and gives an expression of social welfare. Another important believe of the social policy is that when it is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How the internet has changed world culture Essay - 1

How the internet has changed world culture - Essay Example nd what made it more endearing to masses of people one can identify the most important element as its swiftness, that is, its capability in providing the details in an instant. This is quite made possible by Google and Wikipedia by opening the realm of knowledge within seconds, creating a culture where acquiring knowledge becomes more and more easy. The social changes that internet brought to the world is really notable that it gives due importance to relationships. One may say that the Internet is about relationships whether political, economic or social. The major impact of internet on our society and culture is not negligible. A revolutionary change occurred in society with emails when it replaced letters. Internet has wondrously reduced the time interval of hand written letters where one had to wait for weeks for a reply. Today instant emails across thousands of miles are quite possible. The advent of internet has helped a great deal in reducing the cultural differences that it enables one to have a clear picture of other cultures far beyond our own towns, cities and countries, and thus making the world smaller. To speak figuratively, world is in our hands—just a click away. Another significant change has occurred in the educational and medical field. World has witnessed for a sudden change in educational sector that many modern universities have online based educational systems. The students and educators can clarify their doubts instantly through various educational websites and thousands of online libraries and can really improve the educational standards. One of the greatest changes brought by internet is in the medical field where the doctors could share and seek wise counsels or face to face interactions through online teleconferences from medical experts and successfully conduct even complicated surgeries. Internet has dominant influence in politics political system of a country. Internet has now emerged as an effective medium to gather

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Outline the key topics that underpin the study of Social Policy Essay

Outline the key topics that underpin the study of Social Policy - Essay Example Social policy encourages similar living standards for everyone in the society. This includes providing equal education, healthcare, employment, money, security, and other important necessities of life. There are some important bodies involved in social policy as well and these include government, official bodies, charitable organizations, social human beings, neighbors, and families (Alcock, May, & Wright, 2012). Social policy is not only concerned with what the government does for citizens. However, social policy refers to the social spending by any individual for other. Social policy defines the role of government to spend for the people. These spending include pension funds, hospitals, and schools. Based only on government, the social policy can vary depending upon several factors including economic situation. Social policy is a wide subject accompanying different approaches including sociology, psychology, history, economics, demography, and human geography. Therefore, it could also be defined as combining approaches from the different social sciences. Social policy may also include other important aspect such as the amount of spending that the government should make on defense, law and order, industry and agricultural employment, transport, sport and culture, international development, and debt interest. Although the government of most of the countries do more than one-third of the collected wealth, but the private spending in social policy is more than the services government providing. Understanding the term of doing well or good to human beings is complex. It includes different factors and the study of these factors is social policy, and social science. The above mentioned five key factors of social policy are given birth by the societies just because either society understands and recognizes the social human needs and gives an expression of social welfare. Another important believe of the social policy is that when it is

Humanities and Postmodernism Essay Example for Free

Humanities and Postmodernism Essay In discerning a relationship between the Postmodern Portal and the Green Man, one finds a bridge that connects the past, present, and future. The lackluster color and repetitive patterns of the Green Man symbolizes antiquity or the times of yore. On the other hand, the vibrant and compound nature of the Postmodern Portal symbolizes how one, at present time, looks at the possibilities inherent in the future and prepares to face the challenges brought about by changes and transformations signaled by the shifting of time from present time to the future. The spotlight directed to the man in the Postmodern Portal seems to place the viewer within the context of the present. The walls and the arch symbolizes man’s entry to the future, while the archaic designs on the walls and the scattered stones on the ground represents how the present will soon be a past as man moves on to the future. The gesture of the man, holding a sword courageously illustrates how people in this generation are prepared to face the challenges and difficulties that come with change through the passage of time and the coming of the future. Moreover, this particular gesture seems to express how man has continually been able to conquer the present, which is significant in allowing him to face the future. Framing the relationship between the Postmodern Portal and the Green Man and developing a perceptive interpretation on the inherent symbols and illustrations embedded within these pieces of art are highly significant in understanding postmodernism, particularly reconstructive postmodernism. Reconstructive postmodernism has been described in the lecture as something that is fundamental to achieving a higher humanity. This is because this particular concept perceives that understanding human conditions, through significant interpretation of the past and the present, are highly significant in determining how the future would be like for man. Moreover, in knowing these things, man will be able to understand himself because of his knowledge of where he came from, where he is at present time, and where he is heading, leading him to achieve a sense of self that allows him to conquer the course of life and the past, present, and future of the human race. Indeed, achieving higher humanity does adhere to the principle upheld by the Northern Arizona University, that â€Å"to be educated is to become more human. † The plot perceived within the links connecting the Postmodern Portal and the Green Man places the past, the present, and the future side by side. This particular concept is inherent in the works of Robinson Jeffers. In one of Jeffers’ poem, â€Å"To the Stone-Cutters,† he sought to concede to the inescapable passage of time which would inevitably fragment the life of man into the past, the present, and the future. Moreover, in â€Å"Continent’s End,† Jeffers was able to convey the importance of remembering the past, especially how man came to be in this planet, in order for us to re-evaluate how we changed and are changing in order for us to reconstruct a much better future that is free from pride that abounds from self-righteousness and bitterness. The symbolisms of humanity in Remedios Varo’s works are more explicit, owing to how she was able to capture significant and discernible meanings through her artistry. Varo’s paintings, particularly in the â€Å"Discovery of a Mutant Geologist† and the â€Å"Creation of Birds† illustrate a fusion of the past, the present and the future. The pictorial landscape signifies the unpretentious nature of the past, the involved disposition of the present, and the avant-garde quality of the future. It may be observed how the setting chosen by Varo in the â€Å"Discovery of a Mutant Geologist† was a testing site for nuclear weapons before. The painting shows how the site looked like in the past but how we differently view at present time due to man’s perceptions of war, and how continuing human activities that are labeled as destructive reaching the level of how war is unconstructive will affect how man will change or metamorphose in the future. Varo’s paintings also link how the past, the present, and the future are interrelated, and that in seeking to understand these links or relationships, man will be able to view how he has acted to shape the course of events leading to the present and determine how he will be able to act with purpose and significance to lead a better future for the human race.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ethical Implications Of Human Cloning Philosophy Essay

Ethical Implications Of Human Cloning Philosophy Essay Cloning has been going on in the natural world for thousands of years. A clone is simply one living thing made from another, leading to two organisms with the number of genes. In that sense, identical twins are clones, because they have identical DNA. Sometimes, plants are self-pollinated, producing seeds and eventually more plants with the same genetic code. When earthworms are cut in half, they regenerate the missing parts of their bodies, leading to two worms with the same set of genes. Any organism that reproduces asexually; produces a clone. Ever since the conception of cloning, the creation of engineered animals provided a major stepping stone for the process of cloning cells and even humans. the ability to intentionally create a clone in the animal kingdom by working on the cellular level is a very recent development. From sheep to monkeys, scientist have made great strides in the past few years in cloning mammals. The possibilities and benefits of cloning are endless, and it is a Science worth pursuing. Benefits from saving endangered animals, growing replaceable organs for humans, or even developing regenerative cells for sick humans. The Roadblock and the question to cloning is just one concern. Is it ethical? In this day and age where technology drives society, biological technology is one of the ones on the for-front. Step by step science has gotten to the point where Scientist are now capable to clone a human being. Controversy over the process is high. Many blockades are in place to limit the growth and usage of this technology due to many reasons, the main being ethical concerns from society and anti-cloning groups. Scientists believe the technology for human cloning, at least a limited type of cloning for now which is semi ethical is available. Starting small with animal or human stem cells or even pushing the boundaries, by experimenting with human reproductive biology that provides technical means for cloning humans. Many scientists who work with cloned animals say that the procedure is difficult and dangerous and unethical to try on humans. Issues ranging from encouraging the process of cloning until a successful clone is made, while discarding failed embryos. Turning human beings and clones into commodities and human rights issues for clones. Assault against gods design, etc. The issues relating to ethics are endless on topic of cloning. ( To get around these issues have led scientists to bend some rules while experimenting with the technology. Developing emerging technologies that can be directly applicable to the potential of human cloning, such as experimenting with small animals such as mice or stem cells of other animals. ( In order to make a fully justified decision on whether human cloning is ethical or not, one must be exposed to the background of the subject. To start, a clone is an exact replica of an organism, cell, or gene. The process itself is done asexually with the use of a cell from the original human. It is then placed inside a female capable of bearing a child and is then born as a clone. Along with this comes questions of whether or not it is right to clone a human being based on different facts and opinions of small groups or communities ( The technology of cloning is not quite developed enough for a doctor to be certain that an experiment will be successful. In Scotland, the first sheep was cloned and was named Dolly. It took over 250 tries before they were successful in creating the successful clone.( When this news reached the world, immediate polls showed that the majority of the world were against the idea of cloning humans. Those who support cloning research replied by saying, the public based their opinions on fallacies of the news media and misunderstandings of the process, therefore, could not comprehend the whole concept Those in favor of cloning might say it can push forward medical research. For example, with cloning technology it may be possible to learn how to replace old cells with new ones. Help fight certain diseases, etc. This could lead to a longer life for individuals. With enough research scientists could create clones to act as donors. Basically Shells of human beings with organs. Human shells without brains that can be harvested for their organs. Organs such as Hearts, lungs, livers, kidneys, etc. Some scientists even say that human cloning may eventually reverse heart attack through simple cloning methods that involve stem cells from human embryos. This accomplishment would take place by injecting healthy heart cells into damaged heart tissue. In addition, cloning could help improve psychological and human family life. For example, if a couple lost a child they loved dearly and could not reproduce naturally, cloning that child could be an alternative. In this way, the parents would have the chance to love the clone just as much as the original child. ( On the other hand, those against cloning would say that it is wrong for a doctor to harm a clone. If this were allowed, eventually we would compromise the individual. Clones would become second-class citizens. Cloning strips humanity from natural reproduction by leaving a clone with only one parent. In addition, there would be a decline in genetic diversity. In other words, if some day we all have the same genetic makeup and lose the technology of cloning, we would have to resort back to natural reproduction. This would cause problems because it has the same effect as inbreeding. In the same way, clones would feel like they had lost their individuality. For example, their genetic makeup would be known. Also, there could be negative psychological effects that will impact the family and society. For instance, if a clone finds out that he or she has no biological father it may suppress the clones feeling of equality among other naturally born people. Also, there is a chance that the mot her or the clone may become sterile. Among all of these there are too many risks for the bearing mothers and embryos. Eventually, it would turn into a routine to destroy human embryos in the process of cloning. According to Religious groups contend that cloning does not respect the fact that humans have souls and it robs clones of their humanity. God intended the power to create humans to be practiced between a man and a woman in the boundaries of marriage and natural means. Doing otherwise is going against the work of God into human hands. This means that humans lack the authority to make decisions about creating or destroying a life. In addition, humans do not have enough knowledge or power to control outcomes of certain events. However, others believe religion has no place in the debate. Atheists or agnostic argue, interpreters of the Bible cant agree on what actions God would allow to be done with justified means. In addition, Religion and religious books have limits to their validity because they do not address specific issues that need to be answered. People can say human cloning is unethical because bad means are used to achieve the goals For instance, it took scientists 277 tries to create the first cloned sheep. This means that there were hundreds of deformities before the successful specimen was created. In the same way, deformities of humans would be a result of experimentation, which would decrease the quality of life for those specific clones. Recent studies have shown, most cloned mammals tend to die early unless perfected the process is painstakingly difficult. And, even if we found a cure for a disease, lets say cancer, it would be reaching a good end through bad means. On the other hand, people for the process would say that human cloning is ethical in that the number of people who benefit from it outweighs the number of people who suffer from it. For example, cloning could be a way to help expand the length of human life, but it would cost the lives of clones who were failures in the experiment. In this way, realists and people for cloning would agree that bettering all of humanity in exchange for a small group of less fortunate people is justified. would say the act of cloning a human being is an act of human will separate from god or religion. Therefore, if an individual decided to go forward in this act, because humans have the ability to do it, it should be done. After taking into account many of the alternatives and situations of cloning, Human cloning should be supported. The effects from all of the harms that are unknown outweigh all of the good that can come from the research of cloning. Many sacrifices must be made, including possible consequences to society and civilization to accommodate this science. cloning involves too much unknown information that we would need in order to even consider it, but we cant proceed or perfect without taking the first step. If scientists had enough information to be able to clone a human without a doubt, then it might be ethical to clone. But, the social stigma would still be present; clones would be seen as inferior to naturally reproduced humans even if they were perfected copies identical to humans. Once the support of legalization of cloning or any practices is passed. Laws can also be passed to grant rights to Clones. But as of right now, if humans could be cloned without the risk of death or intent ional killing of clones for organ transplants it would be more acceptable to practice it. This would be a great start before cloning full humans. The possibilities and benefits of cloning are endless, and it shouldnt be something that should be feared. The Pros of cloning significantly outweigh the negatives of cloning, so the obstacles blocking the technology from being used should be demolished. A technology that can be of immense great use to Human civilization, shouldnt be something that is discarded.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The presentation of Mr. Lockwood in Wuthering Heights The novel, Essay

The presentation of Mr. Lockwood in Wuthering Heights The novel, Wuthering Heights, begins in the year 1801. The presentation of Mr. Lockwood in â€Å"Wuthering Heights† ======================================================= The novel, â€Å"Wuthering Heights†, begins in the year 1801, where we as readers are firstly introduced to the character Mr. Lockwood. Mr. Lockwood narrates the entire novel throughout, almost like an entry in his diary. Lockwood, a young London gentleman, is a newcomer to the Yorkshire Moors, Wuthering Heights. The novel opens after he has just returned from a visit with his landlord and neighbour, Mr. Heathcliff about Thrushcross Grange. One of my first impressions of the character after reading the opening chapter of the novel is that he is enthusiastic about renting out Thrushcross Grange, â€Å" Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant, sir- I do myself the honour of calling as soon as possible after my arrival, to express the hope that I have not inconvenienced you by my perseverance in soliciting the occupation of Thrushcross Grange. I heard, yesterday, you had had some thoughts-â€Å" Mr. Healthcliff, wincing, stops him mid sentence, â€Å" Thrushcross Grange is my own sir,† ------------------------------------ Here Mr. Heathcliff cuts him off quite abruptly, a command that most people would understand and would react to, pursuing the questioning no further. However, Mr. Lockwood responds quite differently, showing a weak side to his character early on in the novel. Heathcliff seems to dislike the company of others, he enjoys living in a country place, where quiet and peace is welcomed. Lockwood seems amused that Heathcliff is more extreme and ignorant of social graces; he’s amused that ... ...rds reasons for his behaviour may be quite different from his own. Mr. Lockwood, a somewhat vain and presumptuous gentleman deals very clumsily with the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights. He finds himself at a loss when he witnesses the strange household’s disregard for the social conventions that have always structured his world. As a narrator, his vanity and unfamiliarity with the story occasionally lead him to misunderstand events. His initial visit to Wuthering Heights, in which the mysterious relationships and lurking resentments between the characters create an air of mystery, in particular Lockwood’s ghostly nightmares, during the night he spent in Catherine’s old bed. I think that many of the events that happen in the opening chapters of the novel prefigure many of the events that are to come and show the qualities of the character Mr. Lockwood.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Cuba: Then and Now Essay -- Comparison Contrast Government Politics P

Cuba: Then and Now In the Treaty of Paris of 1898, Spain relinquished all sovereignty over Cuba. For a time, the policy of the United States toward Cuba was somewhat ambivalent. The Teller Amendment at the beginning of the Spanish-American War had pledged the restoration of Cuba to the Cubans. However, at the same time the United States was determined that it would not be placed after the war with Spain in a worse position in regard to its vital interests in Cuba than it had been when Cuba was a Spanish possession. The two men most closely associated with the U.S. relationship and administration of Cuba were Elihu Root, Secretary of War, and Leonard Wood, Governor General of Cuba. At his Washington desk, Root spent considerable time keeping a sharp eye on the Cuban constitutional convention and directing the overall campaign.1 On the scene in Havana was Doctor Leonard Wood who had gone there as commander of the Rough Riders in 1898. His first major administrative task in Cuba after the war was in Santiago province where the death rate was two hundred a day, and the filth was terrible. After burning the dead bodies in town, he curtailed the inflation and cleaned up the refuse. In addition, Wood saw that jails were inspected and that schools were secularized. Because of his accomplishments in Santiago, he was appointed Governor General of Cuba on December 12, 1899. He kept the post until the formation of the Cuban Republic in 1902. Wood did well as governor of the â€Å"Pearl of the Antilles.† On September 7, the Chicago Record-Herald reported that Cuba was on the high road to more prosperous times than it had ever experienced. There was no distress among the population of 1,572,797 other than what might be found under... point from 1901-34 aroused increasing bitterness, as Root’s interpretation was not followed. On May 29, 1934, it was abrogated by the United Sates. 11 Lyman Abbott, Reminiscences (Boston and New York: 1915), 438. 12 Congressional Record, 58 Cong., 2 sess., 3379; 180 U.S. 109 (1900). 13 New York Times, September 10, 1901, 5, c. 4. 14 Philip C. Jessup, Elihu Root (New York: 1938), I, 324. 15 Edmond Wood, â€Å"Can Cubans Govern Cuba?† The Forum, XXXII (September, 1901), 66-74. 16 Congressional Record, 56 Cong., 2 sess., 3344-45, 3348, 3375. 17 See above, 33-34. 18 New York Times, September 8, 1901, 3, c. 5. 19 Literary Digest: A Weekly Compendium of the Contemporaneous Thought of the World, XXIII (September 7, 1901), 274. 20 Nation: A Weekly Journal Devoted to Politics, Literature, Science and Art, (September 5, 1901), 180, c. 1.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Iso Guideline Document

Project Manager’s Guide ISO 9001:2008 Implementation  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the9000store. com Page 1 of 10 Table of Contents Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 Project Plan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 Scheduling and Conducting the Gap Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 The Planning Meetings †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Holding Task Group Team Meetings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Project Plan Template †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Appendix A Planning Meeting Agenda and Handout†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Appendix B Task Group Meeting Agenda and Handout†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Appendix C  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the9000store. com Page 2 of 10 Introduction This project manager’s guide is designed to help you plan and manage your ISO 9001:2008 Project using The 9000 Store Documented Quality System. (All items in blue text are available at www. The9000Store. com) The Documented Quality System includes a Quality Manual, Procedures and Forms for an ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System.If you purchased the Complete Documentation and Training Package you also received the Online Training Session, Training Mater ials Package and Gap Analysis. All of the documents in the Documented Quality System are in Microsoft Word or Excel, and are very easy to edit. You will make this system your own by reviewing and editing the procedures, manual and forms. You will also be making changes to your existing processes so you meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 Standard. This project plan will help you manage these changes. The basic steps we recommend are: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Project Manager completes the Online Training Session.The Project Manager prepares a Project Plan. Management and the Project Manager identify an ISO 9001 Steering Team. The Project Manager and others conduct a Gap Analysis with the Gap Analysis Checklist. 5. The ISO 9001 Steering Team assign responsibilities for customizing each procedure to a team or individual. 6. Document measurable for each process. 7. Team leaders hold team meetings to revise processes and procedures based on the results of the Gap Analysis and the prepared Procedures. 8. The Project Manager trains employees on ISO 9001:2008 using the Training Materials Package. . The ISO 9001 Steering Team reviews the procedures as they are completed. 10. The Project Manager trains internal auditors using the Internal Auditor Training Materials Package available at www. The9000Store. com 11. The system is used for several months while records are collected and improvements are made. 12. The Registrar comes to audit.  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the9000store. com Page 3 of 10 This guide outlines these steps in more detail, and provides forms and templates to help you. This is a recommended plan, and you may change it to suit your organization. Project Plan A.Determine the project goals (Use the Project Plan Template in Appendix A) In order to start planning, you will need to determine what your goals are for the project. Answer these questions: 1. When will you start your project? Consider the start of your project as the date of the Gap Analysis. Whe n will you be ready to conduct the Gap Analysis? Recommended steps to be completed before conducting the Gap Analysis: a. Identify one or more people to conduct the Gap Analysis; it is helpful if they have some quality system experience or audit experience. b. Print the Gap Analysis Checklist. c.Schedule the Gap Analysis, and communicate to all employees what is being done, and why. You will want to be able to make the employees comfortable with answering your auditor’s questions. (The auditor is the person conducting the gap analysis. It may be an audit team or one individual) 2. When does your company want to have an ISO 9001:2008 certificate in hand? The answer to this question will determine your timeline. a. The shorter time frame allowed for the project, the more resources the project will demand during implementation. b. It is important to know what your goal is because other dates will be determined by this information. c.Find out if there are company goals, are there clients that are requesting certification or other circumstances that will determine the date? d. Your date may be revised later. You will use this as a target date, and as we move along to the gap analysis and creating the task list you will be able to determine if the date is realistic. It will depend on what you currently have in place for your quality system, and how many resources you have available for the project.  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the9000store. com Page 4 of 10 The Project Plan B. Identify Project Responsibilities It is important to determine who will be leading this project.Are you the person leading the charge? If so, you would be the project manager. You do not need to identify the management representative at this point. You will need to clarify who makes up â€Å"Top Management†. The standard has requirements to be fulfilled by Top Management, and the sooner they are involved in this project the better. 1. Who is your project manager? 2. Who makes up Top Management at your organization? 3. Who should be on the ISO 9001 Steering Team? (This team will play an important role in planning, coordinating and providing resources for the ISO 9001 project. See Appendix B for team responsibilities. C. Begin to fill in the Project Timeline 1. When will you conduct your Gap Analysis and how long will it take to complete? a. A Gap Analysis can typically take anywhere from 2 days to 5 days to perform. It will depend on the size of your organization, the number of auditors, the state of your current quality system and the experience of your auditors. 2. Assign responsibilities a. This will take one or two meetings. The project manager and top management should be involved. Choose a date after the task list has been completed. You will use this information to assign responsibility. See section 2 â€Å"Planning and Holding the Planning Meetings†) 3. Target a date for Introductory training for all employees. a. You will want your employees to be aware of the project, what will need to be done, who will be involved, and why you are implementing ISO 9001:2008. Choose a date that is after the meeting discussed above. That way you can decide if some people that will be involved in the project need more detailed training, and you can let employees know who will be working on the project. Use the Training Materials Package to conduct the training sessions.  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the9000store. om Page 5 of 10 The Gap Analysis Scheduling and Conducting the Gap Analysis A. Schedule the Gap 1. Review the project plan: a. Who did you identify to conduct the gap? b. Schedule the Gap Analysis, and communicate to all employees what is being done, and why. You will want to be able to make the employees comfortable with answering your auditor's questions. c. You may want to consider sending out a newsletter to inform employees that the Gap will be performed, by whom, when and why the Gap is being performed. 2. The audit sched ule a. Determine if you will audit by process/procedure or by area of the facility.Our approach is usually to audit by area of the facility. b. Divide the facility into manageable areas. Schedule time to audit each section of the standard that applies to the area. c. If you are using an audit team, assign the team to cover the various areas of the facility. d. Arrange your Gap Analysis checklists so each auditor will have the sections of the standard that are applicable in the areas they will cover. e. Arrange your checklists so each auditor will have the sections of the standard that are applicable in the areas they will cover. B. Conducting the Audit 1.Follow the schedule that you have prepared. Go into each area of the facility to evaluate the current quality system. Focus on what is in place, and what is not in place. Remind auditors that you are not focusing on compliance or non compliance to the current system, but on the design of the current system, and how it matches the IS O 9001:2008 requirements. 2. Take notes on what is in place, and what will need to be developed and changed. Take complete notes, reference documents and examples. C. Reporting 1. Summarize the audit findings in the form of a task list. You will usually dentify several categories of tasks. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Processes that comply with the standard and are documented. Processes that comply with the standard and must be documented. Processes that do not comply with the standard and must be redesigned. Processes required by the standard that are not currently in place.  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the9000store. com Page 6 of 10 The Gap Analysis For each requirement (or set of requirements) of the standard you will want to identify the status of the current system. The ISO 9001 Steering Team will use this information as they assign responsibility and timelines to Teams.Teams will be assigned responsibility for development of a procedure.  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the90 00store. com Page 7 of 10 The Planning Meeting The Planning Meetings A. Planning your meeting 1. Determine who should attend. Include top management. Answer these questions: a. Who will be able to decide which employees will be assigned tasks? b. Will they know whether the employees' workload will be able to accommodate the assigned tasks? c. Who is responsible for resources and can make resources available to the ISO 9001 project? d. This group should continue meeting as the â€Å"ISO 9001 Steering Team† 2.Create an Agenda, items to include: a. Explain the â€Å"Implementation Steps† to the group (see handout in Appendix B) b. Discuss Responsibilities of the ISO 9001 Steering Team (see handout in Appendix B) c. Assign the tasks to individuals or teams. (Use tables from Appendix B)  § Review the responsibilities to make sure that they are well dispersed, not assigned heavily to one group or one individual.  § For each team identify a team leader. It works very well to have a member of the ISO Steering Team as a leader for each of the Task Group teams.It provides good communication between the teams and the ISO Steering Team throughout the project. d. Determine resources required for completion of the tasks.  § Will teams or individuals need assistance with other responsibilities during the ISO 9001 project?  § What kind of technical guidance will be needed to allow these teams or individuals to complete the tasks efficiently and effectively? 1. Assistance from the management representative? 2. Prepared materials? 3. Special Training? e. Assign dates to tasks. (Use table from Appendix B)  § Stagger start dates according to resources available. Determine which tasks you need to complete in the beginning to allow others to build on, for example: Management Responsibility. Complete the Quality Policy and Quality Goals as well as identifying key processes and their interrelation early on in the project.  § Estimate the amount of time neede d to complete each task based on the amount of resources available to the task.  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the9000store. com Page 8 of 10 The Task Group Meeting Holding Task Group Team Meetings The team leader is responsible for scheduling the first team meeting according to the plan on the Gantt chart. 1. An agenda is provided in Appendix C: a.Explain the â€Å"Implementation Steps† to the group (use the Task Group Team Handout in Appendix C) b. Discuss Responsibilities of the ISO 9001 Steering Team (use the Task Group Team Handout in Appendix C) c. Hand out the procedure that the team will be responsible for. d. Hand out the section of the Gap Analysis that applies to the team. e. Determine resources required for completion of the tasks.  § Will teams or individuals need assistance with other responsibilities during the ISO 9001 project?  § What kind of technical guidance will be needed to allow these teams or individuals to complete the tasks efficiently and effecti vely? . Assistance from the management representative? 2. Prepared materials? 3. Special Training? 2. Assign dates to tasks from the Gap Analysis using the start and finish date on the Gantt chart. The team leader should print copies of the section of the Gap Analysis that are relevant to the team. a. Explain to the team that the Procedure and your process must match. Some of your processes (the way you do things) will need to be changed to meet requirements of the standard, and parts of the procedure will need to be edited to accurately describe what you do. b.List the requirements from the Gap Analysis Checklist that you are not currently meeting. These will need to be evaluated to determine if you will change your process to match the procedure, or alter your process to meet the standard and edit the procedure. c. List the requirements from the Gap Analysis Checklist that you are meeting. Evaluate these against the procedure to see if edits are needed to the Procedure, or if the process documented in the procedure will work better for you. d. Schedule next meeting. During the next meetings you will work on the tasks that you have listed above. . Once the process has been determined the procedure will need to be finalized and sent for approval by the ISO 9001 Steering Team.  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. the9000store. com Page 9 of 10 The Task Group Meeting 3. Discuss the Next agenda: f. Read The 9000 Store Procedure (Or for the team responsible for the quality manual read The 9000 Store Quality Manual and compare to current processes. g. Assign tasks for implementing changes in your processes and editing prepared procedure. h. Set next agenda i. Schedule next meeting  © 2008 The 9000 Store www. he9000store. com Page 10 of 10 Appendix A The Project Plan Project Plan: ISO 9001:2008 Project goals: Start Date: Target Registration Date: Responsibilities: Project Manager: Management Representative: Top Management: ISO 9001:2008 Steering Team Project timeline: St ep Gap Analysis Create Task List Assign Responsibilities Introductory Training Design and Implementation System Complete Registration Audit Certificate Received Schedule Date Completion Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Appendix A Appendix B ISO 9001:2008 Planning Meeting Planning Meeting HandoutsAgenda: Review the â€Å"Implementation Steps† (see handout attached) Discuss Responsibilities of the ISO 9001 Steering Team (see handout attached) Assign individuals to teams for each task group. (Use tables from Appendix B) Determine resources required for completion of the tasks. a. Will teams or individuals need assistance with other responsibilities during the ISO 9001:2008 project? b. What kind of technical guidance will be needed to allow these teams or individuals to complete the tasks efficiently and effectively?  § Assistance from the management representative? Prepared materials?  § Special Training? 5. Assign dates to tasks. (Use table from Appendix B) a. Stagger start dat es according to resources available. b. Determine which tasks you need to complete in the beginning to allow others to build on, for example: Management Responsibility and Document Control should start early in the project. Complete the Quality Policy and Quality Goals as well as identifying key processes and their interrelation early on in the project. c. Estimate the amount of time needed to complete each task based on the amount of resources available to the task.Refer to the Gap Analysis results to determine how much work each team has to complete. 6. Schedule employee training sessions using the Training Materials Package a. All employees need training on the ISO 9001:2008 Standard. Providing the training early on in the project makes everyone aware of the projects and its goals. 1. 2. 3. 4. *Keep minutes of all of the ISO 9001 Planning and Steering Team meetings. This helps demonstrate top management involvement in the development of the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System . Record attendees. Appendix B Appendix B ISO 9001:2008 Planning MeetingImplementation Steps 1. The team of people assigned responsibility will use the The 9000 Store Procedures, Quality Manual and Forms as a foundation for the process to address the requirements of the standard. The team will use the task list to identify what areas need changes to processes. 2. Each responsible team will evaluate the process presented in the procedure, determine if any changes are necessary for your organization, and make edits to the procedure and forms. 3. The team will finalize the procedure and send it to the ISO 9001 Steering Team for review and approval. . The team will train employees that are affected by or have responsibility for the procedure. 5. The employees will start following the documented process and maintaining records. ISO 9001:2008 Steering Team Responsibilities 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify team members for each procedure. Assign target start date and completion date for each team. Ide ntify training needs for employees and schedule training sessions for ISO 9001:2008 Meet on a regular basis to evaluate progress, answer questions for the teams and evaluate resource needs for the implementation. . Review and approve procedures as they are finalized. 6. Evaluate and choose a Registrar Appendix B Appendix B ISO 9001:2008 Planning Meeting Task Assignments Task Group Quality Manual Document Control Control of Quality Records Management Responsibility Competence, Awareness and Training Infrastructure Planning of Product Realization Processes Customer Related Processes Design and Development Purchasing Control of Production and Service Provision Identification and Traceability Customer Property Team MembersTeam Leader Appendix B Appendix B ISO 9001:2008 Planning Meeting Task Group Preservation of Product Control of Measuring and Monitoring Devices Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Internal Audits Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Product and Realization Processes Control of Nonconforming Product Corrective Action and Preventive Action Team Members Team Leader Appendix B Appendix B ISO 9001:2008 Planning Meeting Project Gantt Chart (Change headings to the Months you expect your project to run.Then identify when each team will start and stop, shade the time that each team will run) Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Task Group Document Control Control of Quality Records Management Responsibility Competence, Awareness and Training Infrastructure Planning of Product Realization Processes Customer Related Processes Design and Development Purchasing Control of Production and Service Provision Identification and Traceability Customer Property Appendix BAppendix B ISO 9001:2008 Planning Meeting Task Group Preservation of Product Control of Measuring and Monitoring Devices Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Internal Audits Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Produc t and Realization Processes Control of Nonconforming Product Corrective Action and Preventive Action Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Appendix B Appendix C Task Group Team Meeting Task Group Meeting Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Review the â€Å"Implementation Steps† to the group Review Responsibilities of the ISO 9001:2008 Steering Team Review procedure that the team will be responsible for. Review the section of the Gap Analysis that applies to the team. Determine resources required for completion of the tasks. a. Will the team need assistance with other responsibilities during the ISO 9001:2008 project? b. What kind of technical guidance will be needed to allow the team to complete the tasks efficiently and effectively? 1. Assistance from the management representative? . Prepared materials? 3. Special Training? 6. Assign dates to tasks from Gap Analysis using the start and finish date on the Gantt chart. 7. Schedule next meeting. 8. Next agen da: 1. Read The 9000 Store Procedure and compare to current processes. 2. Assign tasks for implementing changes in your processes and editing prepared procedure. Implementation Steps 1. The team assigned responsibility for each procedure will use the The 9000 Store Procedure as a foundation for the process to address the requirements of the standard.The team will use the task list to identify what areas need changes to processes. 2. Each responsible team will evaluate the process presented in the procedure, determine if any changes are necessary for your organization, and make edits to the procedure and forms. 3. The team will finalize the procedure and send it to the ISO 9001:2008 Steering Team for review and approval. 4. The team will train employees that are affected by or have responsibility for the procedure. 5. The employees will start following the documented process and maintaining records.Appendix C Appendix C Task Group Team Meeting ISO 9001:2008 Steering Team Responsibili ties 1. Identify team members for each procedure. 2. Assign target start date and completion date for each team. 3. Identify training needs for employees and schedule training sessions: a. Employee Introduction to ISO 9001:2008 using the Training Materials Package b. Internal Auditor Training using the Internal Auditor Training Materials Package 4. Meet on a regular basis to evaluate progress,