Monday, December 30, 2019

Social Security and the Elderly Free Essay Example, 2750 words

The present research has identified that social security reform has never taken specific aim at the elderly and may account for the current status of impoverished elderly Americans. While there is a strong commitment at all levels of US government to provide human services to help needy Americans from all walks of life, statistics reveal that most of the efforts have not been productive among the elderly. Social Security is the primary method for assisting the needy in the US. Under the current law with respect to US social security, social security is predicated on the theory that assistance is necessary for maintaining a fair quality of life for those who cannot earn incomes on account of age, death or disability. To this end, previous workers who have either reached the age of retirement or have become disabled are entitled to Social Security benefits that corresponds with how long they have worked and how much they previously earned. The spouses and children of those entitl ed to Social Security benefits are also eligible for Social Security. The elderly continue to remain the largest group to receive Social Security benefits in the US. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Security and the Elderly or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Moreover, the current economic crisis has even greater significance for increased poverty among the elderly having regard to the heavy reliance on social security.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

My Favorite Quotes Of All Time - 1223 Words

Mark Twain once said one of my favorite quotes of all time, The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why. Perhaps this is a question I have ask myself every since I read it about ten years ago. The day we know for sure what impact we want to do in life is the day that our past experience as well as the once that we did not understood become unambiguous. We can put our history with its experiences into a correct point of view, perhaps as a training to get from point A to point B. We can obtain a clear perspective and shape the road before us with particular objectives in mind. Such as training, education and alternatives for where we are headed. This particular paper was so helpful to me in many ways. It opened and cleared my thoughts; it gave me a fresh perspective. Adaptability: I have found myself often living one day at a time, in other words, as one may say, going day by day or even going with the flow of things, which can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. However, in my readings I have understood that â€Å"Adaptability† may not always be the right thing to do. For it is a theme that waits patiently and unwearyingly for things to happen on there own. On the other hand, this theme may be the reason I am still doing what I am doing, working with different kinds of people. Perhaps, God only knew when He created me that in order to accomplish the task and purpose He entrusted me I would need adaptability. God knewShow MoreRelatedMetacognition Essay Example695 Words   |  3 PagesMetacognition Essay I feel I have come a long way my tenth grade year. My writing has gotten so much better and I can write essays of much better quality now. Things have gotten better like punctuation, thesis, and analysis. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Meteor Missile Free Essays

The Meteor is a fast and highly manoeuvrable Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile (BVRAAM) air-to-air weapon. Guidance is provided by an active radar seeker benefiting from enhanced technologies drawn from the MBDA Aster and Mica missile programmes. The meteor was designed to equip the Euro fighter Typhoons of the UK’s Royal Air Force (RAF), Germany’s Luftwaffe, Spain’s Ejercito del Aire and Italy’s Aeronautica Militare Italiana, the British and Italian F-35s (both in the Air Force and Navy), the Dassault Rafales of France’s Armee de l’Air and Marine Nationale, and the Saab JAS 39 Gripens of Sweden’s Flygvapnet. We will write a custom essay sample on Meteor Missile or any similar topic only for you Order Now The missile is allocated targets from the launch aircraft radar and is capable of engaging air targets autonomously by night or day, in all weather and in severe electronic warfare environments. The increasing proliferation of state of the art Air to Air threats, that are challenging the already in service Air to Air combat system is a critical challenge for modern Air Forces which is answered by the Meteor. The missile’s ramjet propulsion system gives Meteor its high speed performance and the energy to defeat fast, manoeuvring targets at long range. Meteor is equipped with both a proximity and impact fuse to ensure total target destruction in all circumstances. The missile trajectory is controlled aerodynamically using four rear-mounted fins. Meteor’s control principles are intended to allow high turn rates while maintaining intake and propulsion performance. MBDA Meteor is capable of engaging air targets autonomously, whether fighters, bombers, transport aircraft or cruise missiles by using its active radar seeker by day or night and in all weather or dense EW (Electronic Warfare) environments. Meteor’s solid fuel variable-flow rocket/ramjet propulsion system will ensure a range in excess of 100 km and a speed of more than Mach 4 and high terminal velocity. Even when launched from extreme stand-off ranges, the missile will have the energy in the end game to defeat fast, manoeuvring targets. To ensure total target destruction, the missile is equipped with both proximity and impact fuses and a fragmentation warhead that is detonated at the optimum point to aximise lethality. Guidance is ISN, two-way data link and active Ku-band radar seeker. It can receive targeting data after launch from the launching fighter or another fighter. The two-way data-link partially solves the IFF problem at long ranges. It is designed to defeat current and future threats; Meteor provides the long stand-off range and high kill probability which combine to ensure air superiority and pilot survivability. How to cite Meteor Missile, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Passion and Revenge in The White Devil Essay Example For Students

Passion and Revenge in The White Devil Essay Passion and Revenge inThe White Devil John Webster was born around 1580 and died around 1634. Hewas an English Jacobean dramatist best known for his tragedies The White Devil and The Duchess of Malfi, which are often regarded as masterpieces of the early 17th-century English stage.1According to ReneWeis in the introduction of the book The Duchess of Malfi and other plays by John Webster,The White Devil is based on sources about the life and death of Vittoria Accoramboni of Gubbio (1557-85) and her turbulent marriage (or repeated marriages) to the Duke of Bracciano. The play traces the couples relationship, aided and abetted by Vittoriasbrother Flamineo.2However, in this paper I will focus on the passion and revenge in the play. Passion, according to me, is the driving force in the play The White Devil. Had it not been for the passion the charactersfelt, theyprobably wouldnt have acted the way they did. Flamineos passionto climb up the social ladderis what incites him to plot with Bracciano the murders of Braccianos wife, Isabella, and Flamineos brother-in-law, Camillo.Braccianos passion for Vittoria is what stimulates him tohire someone tomurderIsabella andplot with Flamineo the murder ofCamillo.The passion of Francisco to avenge Isabellas death is what incites him to disguise later on in the play andpoison Bracciano. Lodovicos passion for Isabella, he is in love with her, is what incites him to enter the quest for revenge with Francisco and Cardinal Monticelso, who wanted to avenge the death of Camillo. Since Bracciano is in love with Vittoria, the sister of Flamineo, Flamineo does whatever he is capable of to aid Bracciano in marrying Vittoria: FLAMINEO Pursue your noble wishes; I am prompt/ As lightning to your service. O my lord! / (Whispers) The fair Vittoria, my happy sister, / Shall give you present audience. Gentlemen, / Let the caroche go on, and tis his pleasure/ You put out all your torches and depart.3(The White Devil 1.2. 4-9).Bracciano then asks about the husband of Vittoria, Camillo; Flamineo responds by saying Hang him, a gilder that hath his brains perished with quicksilver is not more cold in the liver.4(The White Devil 1.2. 26-27)Even so early in the play Flamineo already suggesttoBracciano to murder Camillo since he is a gilder which according to the notes in the bookThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays by John Webstermeans repeated exposure to the vapors of mercury usedin gilding could cause tremors and insanity when inhaled. The liver was thought to be the sea t of passion.5The meaning of the sentence is that Camillo is basically useless.Further lines down Flamineo keeps on encouraging Bracciano to pursue Vittoria romantically. Flamineo tries so hard to persuade Bracciano to pursue Vittoria all because of the passion he has to climb up the social ladder.Personally, Flamineo reminds me of Hamlets uncle, who so desperately wanted to become a king and kills his own brother and marries his brothers widow. Bracciano, on the other hand is easily manipulated because of the passion he has for Vittoria. He is ready to do whatever it takes to have Vittoria. He publiclyannounces hisdivorcewithhiswife Isabella: BRACCIANO This is the latest ceremony of my love; / Henceforth Ill never lie with thee, by this, / This wedding-ring; Ill neer more lie with thee. / And this divorce shall be as truly kept, / As if the judge had doomed it; fare you well, / Our sleeps are severed.6.In order to marry Vittoria, he is capable of anything. He hires Doctor Julio and Christophero to murder his wife, he plots with Flamineo the murder of Camillo. Bracciano wont stop at anything to have Vittoria. Later on in the play, this passion he has for Vittoria drives him jealous. He finds love letters, which were written to Vittoria and he is ready to kill her. Bracciano doesnt want anyone beside him to have Vittoria. Even today people sometimes are so blinded with passion and jealousy that they will stop at nothing to h ave the person of their desire only to themselves and if that means to murdersomeone or even their most beloved person. .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 , .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .postImageUrl , .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 , .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35:hover , .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35:visited , .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35:active { border:0!important; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35:active , .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35 .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6b40df2e4efc7c38aa870739262e5a35:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Different parts of a plant and their function Essay Personally, I believe that passion is a very strong emotion which can make a person behave out of his ordinary behavior and can also stimulate someone to take the law into their own hands. Which is exactly what Francisco does. He doesnt trust the legal system and the passion to avenge his sisters deathand his sisters ghost that appears to himis whatpersuadeshim to seek revenge. Francisco is mad because his sister has been murdered and the murderers are not punished.He accuses Bracciano, Vittoria and Flamineo. When Bracciano and Flamineo only hired Doctor Julio and Christophero to poison the portraitthatIsabella kisses every night.At first Francisco did not want to seek revenge:FRANCISCOFar be it from my thoughts / To seek revenge.6(The White Devil 4.1. 2-3)Francisco decides that Bracciano will be punished by God when he dies: FRANCISCOHe that unjustly caused it first proceed. / Shall find it in his grave and in his seed.7(The White Devil 4.1.10-11).But after the ghost of Isabella appears to Francisco he is persuaded to seek revenge for herdeath: FRANCISCOBracciano, I am now fit for thyencounter. / Like the wild Irish Ill neer think thee dead, / Till I can play at football with thy head.8(The White Devil 4.1. 133-5).Francisco no longer believes that he should Bracciano to live his life and meet his creator when his time comes, now Francisco wants to take ac tion and make sure that Bracciano payed with his own life for taking Isabellas life.Francisco, Cardinal Monticelso and later Lodovico disguise themselves and go after Vittoria, Flamineo and Bracciano. They do manage to poison Braccianoby using a helmetand kill him. Francisco vaguely reminds me of Hamlet. Hamlet as well sought revenge for the murder of his father.Isabellas brother will do anything to avenge her untimely death just like Hamlet did everything he could toavenge his fathers death. After Bracciano is murdered he appears as a ghost to Flamineo, who promise to avenge his death. Since Flamineobelievesthat Vittoria and Zanche havesomething to do withBraccianos death and since he promised Bracciano neither Flamineo nor Vittoria will continue to live he brings a gun and make both of the women to promise to kill each other after they kill him.In the end, Lodovico is the one who kills Vittoria, Flamineo and Zanche. Just like in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare everyone dies. According to Rene Weis, although The White Devil reverts again and again to moral speeches and ethical positions, its power does not reside in its moral truths but9and here she quotes Alvin Kernan in the force with which it presents the dark energies of the self-uncoiling and striking whatever opposes them (Kernan 1975:396).10The way I understand this quote by Kernan is that the characters in the play will compel to their own passion and do whatever it takes to satiate it. And as I was reading the play, I saw this: Flamineos passion to climb up the social ladder is what persuades him to do whatever it takes; Braccianos passion for Vittoria is what persuades him to plot the murders of Isabella and Camillo; Franciscos passion to avenge Isabellas death is what incites him to plot the murder of Bracciano and Lodovicos passion for Isabella is what incites him to team up with Francisco in the murders of the murderers. In my opinion, the passion each of the characters felt was the driving force behind their actions in the play. Works Cited Webster, JohnThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays;Edited with an Introduction byReneWeis, New York:Oxford University Press,1996 pp. XV Webster, JohnThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays;Edited with an Introduction byReneWeis, New York:Oxford University Press,1996 pp. 7,act 1, scene 2,lines 4-9 Webster, JohnThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays;Edited with an Introduction byReneWeis, New York:Oxford University Press,1996 pp. 8,act 1, scene 2, lines 26-27 Webster, JohnThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays;Edited with an Introduction byReneWeis, New York:Oxford University Press,1996 pp.367 Webster, JohnThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays;Edited with an Introduction byReneWeis, New York:Oxford University Press,1996 pp.51,act 4, scene 1,lines 2-3 Webster, JohnThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays;Edited with an Introduction byReneWeis, New York:Oxford University Press,1996 pp.51,act 4, scene 1,li nes 10-11 Webster, JohnThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays;Edited with an Introduction byReneWeis, New York:Oxford University Press,1996 pp. 54,act 4, scene 1,lines 133-135 Webster, JohnThe Duchess of Malfi and Other Plays;Edited with an Introduction byReneWeis, New York:Oxford University Press,1996 pp.XV Kernan, Alvin (1975), Banisht!: The Dark World of Jacobean Tragedy, inThe Revels History of Drama in English,vol. iii: 1576 1613