Sunday, December 22, 2019

My Favorite Quotes Of All Time - 1223 Words

Mark Twain once said one of my favorite quotes of all time, The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why. Perhaps this is a question I have ask myself every since I read it about ten years ago. The day we know for sure what impact we want to do in life is the day that our past experience as well as the once that we did not understood become unambiguous. We can put our history with its experiences into a correct point of view, perhaps as a training to get from point A to point B. We can obtain a clear perspective and shape the road before us with particular objectives in mind. Such as training, education and alternatives for where we are headed. This particular paper was so helpful to me in many ways. It opened and cleared my thoughts; it gave me a fresh perspective. Adaptability: I have found myself often living one day at a time, in other words, as one may say, going day by day or even going with the flow of things, which can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. However, in my readings I have understood that â€Å"Adaptability† may not always be the right thing to do. For it is a theme that waits patiently and unwearyingly for things to happen on there own. On the other hand, this theme may be the reason I am still doing what I am doing, working with different kinds of people. Perhaps, God only knew when He created me that in order to accomplish the task and purpose He entrusted me I would need adaptability. God knewShow MoreRelatedMetacognition Essay Example695 Words   |  3 PagesMetacognition Essay I feel I have come a long way my tenth grade year. My writing has gotten so much better and I can write essays of much better quality now. Things have gotten better like punctuation, thesis, and analysis. 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