Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Supreme Court Extends 2nd Amendment Rights to the...

The Supreme Court ruled on June 28th that the 2nd Amendments protection of the right to bear arms applies on state and city levels. The 5-4 decision along ideological lines echoed 2008s decision to strike down DCs handgun ban, citing the 14th Amendment as a major factor in the decision to extend the federal right to own a hand gun for personal protection down to local levels. Though it officially returned McDonald v. City of Chicago to the lower courts for a decision, it is expected that Chicagos 28 year old handgun ban will be overturned, and that legislation against handgun restrictions in other states will be legally challenged for years to come. During this project, I watched and reports about the Supreme Courts decision from†¦show more content†¦That clip was then followed by a quote from Justice John Paul Stevens dissenting opinion as well as a short statement by Congresswoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) which was made during Elena Kegans confirmation hearing. The reporter drew attention to the fact that the court did not strike down Chicagos hand gun ban, but rather sent it back to a lower court noting the fact that legal analysts expect lower courts to overturn the law in light of Supreme Court decision. Smith then drew attention to the fact that the right to own handguns does not, in the estimation of the Court, overturn restrictions on waiting periods or assault weapons. The Supreme Courts 2nd Amendment Decision, Correspondent James Rosen, June 28, 2010 After this initial report, Smith introduced James Rosen a reporter in Washington DC. Rosen equated this case to Brown v. Board of Education and Roe v. Wade, in that it is a momentous victory for 2nd amendment advocates. Mr. Rosen then discussed the majority opinion written by Alito balancing it by showing a clip of Paul Helmke from the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, in which he said that this ruling does not affect the things which they are fighting against. Helmke emphasized that the ruling applies only to the right to own handguns, and does not appear to effect waiting periods and restrictions on military grade assaultShow MoreRelatedCriminal Code Of The United States Essay1585 Words   |  7 Pageslaw. States and the federal government have their own criminal codes which define the type of conduct that would be considered a crime. Title 18 of the U.S. codes outlines all federal crimes typically crimes that deal with activities that go beyond state boundaries and which i mpacts federal interests. In state prosecutions, the state follows the criminal code of the individual state. Every state has its own criminal code and many states choose to follow or mimic the federal rules. 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